Delaware Liberal

What did we learn today?

Hey folks, your friendly neighborhood Stryker has joined the party here at Delaware Liberal. I intend to work the evening shifts, and with that in mind, let’s reflect on the day that was, November 16th, 2008.

1. Tom Noyes’ voice is so soothing, it deserves to be posted twice.

2. The Iraqi Cabinet sent their Parliament a resolution to have our troops out of Iraqi cities and towns by the end of June. Yes, June 2009 – but we can stay on the bases we’ve built until the end of 2011. This is a big green light for Obama to send most of those troops to Afghanistan to finish the job, and it effectively ends any argument the GOP could make against it.

3. Obama’s approval ratings: 59% (Rasmussen), 65% (Gallup). Bush’s disapproval rating is 65% according to Gallup, and for the full month of October, Rasmussen registers 64% disapproval. My favorite polling-related headline of the week is “75% of GOP Voters Fear Too Much Change“, which is as succinct a definition of conservatism as I’ve ever heard.

4. Elliot explains the PVI, which for Mike Castle is now D+7.

5. Washington Post Ombudsman Deborah Howell thinks that newspapers should institute affirmative action for Republicans. That’s right, she thinks the media should ask job interviewees what their political alignment is, and making hiring decisions based on this. Her reasoning is that WaPo is losing subscribers, and she thinks targeting Washington Times readers is the answer, despite the country’s recent jump to the left. Newspapers trying to be more conservative is as likely to work as Republicans trying to be more conservative – and just as short-sighted.

6. Dana covers DNREC’s laughable insistence that the metal dust covering the cars and windows of residents living near the Claymont Steel mill isn’t dangerous because it’s “too heavy to breathe.” Paging Jack Markell; you’re going to need to clean house at DNREC – literally.

7. The Eagles tied the Bengals. Yes, tied; they are so inept that they couldn’t produce a single score for the entirety of overtime. Against the Bengals. Let me say this again: AGAINST THE BENGALS. I mean, seriously? What is wrong with these guys? The Eagles offense is falling apart – does anyone have an excuse for them? Fire Andy Reid, please.

Final thought: Faced with utter failure, the RNC may be turning to former Maryland Lt. Governor Michael Steele, which would really one-up this Onion story.

Good night.

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