Did you know that the 193rd fastest growing company in the country is located in Middletown Delaware?

Filed in National by on November 17, 2008

Neither did I.

1,273.6 % Three Year Growth
Rev. $2.9 Million
Employees: 13
CEO: Richard Kahn
Founded: 2003
Middletown, DE

Runs an online ad network and works with small companies on search engine marketing initiatives.

Per Inc. magazine. September 2009

About the Author ()

Jason330 is a deep cover double agent working for the GOP. Don't tell anybody.

Comments (8)

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  1. kavips says:

    Prepare yourself now for theWrath of Kahn.

  2. anon says:

    I bet they were the first thing that came up when you googled.

  3. is Kahn foreign! I hope not! we got enough of them in this country…

  4. It just doesn’t sound real american!

  5. R Smitty says:

    Prepare yourself now for the “Wrath of Kahn.“

    I bet they were the first thing that came up when you googled.

    Yeah. I can all but guarantee Jason was actually googling Kahn in hopes of something on the Wrath of Kahn and found this tid-bit. He already fessed up he’s a trekkie. Never misses a convention without his Yeoman Smith outfit. Poor bastard dies every episode or movie.

  6. kavips says:

    Actually for what it matters, the thought occurred first, and Google had to be used to provide the link…

    But then, those little things are hardly even worth the keystrokes to mention it…

  7. kavips says:

    But fortunately, further research lead me to look up Yeoman Smith, and that alone made it all worthwhile…….

  8. RSmitty says:


    I just did that search, too, and failed to realize that was Fred Gandy’s character on Love Boat. Sheesh, how I now feel sorry for all real-life Gophers, I mean Yeoman Smiths.