What Do You Do With All That Hate?

Filed in National by on November 17, 2008

Throughout September and October as McCain/Palin took the low road, some of their campaign supporters and some participants at their rallies hurled ugly racist words and ideas towards Obama. It was hoped that this fear and hatred started by the Republican candidates (and by proxy their party) would subside. Apparently it has not.

The Times of London reports today that this fear and hatred stirred by the GOP has manifested itself despicable racial crimes.

Cross burnings, black figures hung from nooses, and schoolchildren chanting “Assassinate Obama” are just some of the incidents that have been documented by police from California to Maine.

There have been “hundreds” of cases since the election, many more than usual, said Mark Potok, director of the Intelligence Project at the Southern Poverty Law Center, which monitors hate crimes.


About the Author ()

A Dad, a husband and a data guru

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  1. Unstable Isotope says:

    There’s also been reports that gun sales are way up. One store had an Obama assassination pool as well. There’s some scary people out there.

  2. pandora says:

    This has always been my concern, and why I wasn’t terribly impressed with McCain’s concession speech.

    McCain/Palin unleashed a frightening element. And not only did they unleash it, they fed it, nurtured it, and have done nothing since the election to contain it.

    Now, I’m not saying they created this group, but they did validate them. The republican party would be wise to stop pandering to groups they cannot control.

  3. Von Cracker says:

    All these wackjobs are just frustrated losers (& I just don’t mean politically) who’ve seen their world-view smashed and rendered so far out of the mainstream, they can do nothing but flail arms and make moronic gestures of grandiose stupidity.

  4. Unstable Isotope says:


    I agree these frustrated losers are a small minority but it doesn’t take too many people dedicated to violence to cause real trouble.

    The second thing I dread now is the tons of whining we’ll start hearing from conservatives about how their freedom of speech (to threaten Pres. Obama) is being abridged.

    I’m not sure I agree with the statement that Republicans shouldn’t pander to groups they can’t control. I don’t think Republicans or Democrats control voters. I think the Republicans’ problem is that they encouraged the crazy rhetoric. They certainly didn’t shut down the hate speech by their followers.

  5. Miscreant says:

    “One store had an Obama assassination pool as well. ”

    Sounds like something that would happen in the deep south. Oddly enough, the assassination pool and black figures that were hanged by nooses from trees took place in Maine, which voted Obama by 58% over 41% for McCain.

  6. X Stryker says:

    RIP Republican patriotism, 2001-2008. When Republicans hold the presidency, they’re all “USA is #1!” and when they’re out of power, suddenly it’s “screw the government! States rights!” Why do Republicans hate America? I expect the Alaskan Independence Party will have a banner year.

  7. pandora says:

    And now Newsweek adds to the fire… and brimstone.


  8. nemski says:

    pandora thanks for that link, it reads like an Onion piece. Lisa Miller, the author of this article, could not have been more lazy in her reporting.

  9. cassandra_m says:

    One of things I am not looking forward to over the next 4 years is fairly non-stop “reporting” on these fringe groups who are finding a new round of their 15 minutes as many of these groups find a reason to re-energize around a President they find scary. And as law enforcement turns more of their resources to the groups that would nurture home-grown terrorists, these groups are going to see themselves as under siege and victimized, which just ups the ante and the media value.

  10. Unstable Isotope says:

    I just saw an article link on Yahoo News about “white backlash.” Please don’t lump me in with those bozos.

  11. Von Cracker says:

    Does anyone else have The Clash’s White Riot playing in their head?

    And I know UI….It doesn’t take any more than a Serbian anarchist to start a world war….

    …or was it a Croat?

  12. nemski says:

    From the end of White Riot

    Are you taking over
    Or are you taking orders?
    Are you going backwards
    Or are you going forwards?

    I miss Joe Strummer.

  13. Phantom says:

    I’m just curious what are liberals supposed to do with all the hate that has built up given the state of the economy and the republithug corporations nailing us to the wall? Each new business day is like another day of bending over and getting screwed while our current president just hides in the freaking White house. I’m just afraid that if things keep going at this pace then there won’t be anything left for Obama to fix and then hopefully there will be some real outrage and anger at the corporations and politicians that enabled this clusterf#$ck.

  14. truth teller says:

    666 were the exact number of letters in the name( Ronald Wilson Reagan) . So what does that prove

  15. anonone says:

    Breaking: “Sen. Carper: Lieberman needs to face ‘consequences’ for his actions during the campaign.”


  16. Von Cracker says:

    The Christianistas are so in touch.

  17. pandora says:

    Talk about killing two birds with one stone, VC!

  18. cassandra_m says:

    Yes, nothing says Peace on Earth, Goodwill Towards Men like a facsimile burning cross in your yard.

  19. Von Cracker says:

    Just in case if you all need some reading light at the next klavern meeting…..

  20. kavips says:

    Actually reading through the thread provided some interesting insight…

    It appears that we are trading frustrated blacks taking out their frustrations on their own black people, with bitter clinging rural whites, talking about taking out their frustrations on black people…

    Forget about white and black and imprison both equally. Maybe they will learn to like each other as well as homosexuals, while they remain interned in prison.

  21. nemski says:

    kavips you crack me up

  22. Susan Regis Collins says:


    American Family Association, indeed!!

    Send a ‘donation’….want a misuse of a 501(c)3.