Today’s Better News

Filed in National by on November 18, 2008

More “leaking” re: Obama’s possible cabinet picks (with the usual caveats re: grains of salt):

Eric Holder for Attorney General — Holder was co-chair of the Obama VP Search Team and and a Deputy AG in the Clinton Justice Department. I like this choice, largely because he knows how the building should function and could likely restore it to its previous competence and morale. Other reports have the Obama folks already reaching out to the Senate to assess if Holder will confirm.

Peter Orzag to lead the OMB A known member of the reality-based community with fans on both sides of the aisle.

And lastly, some walk-back on the Hillary for SoS circus.


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"You don't make progress by standing on the sidelines, whimpering and complaining. You make progress by implementing ideas." -Shirley Chisholm

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  1. Unstable Isotope says:

    I think you’re right that Hillary won’t be SoS. Ted Kennedy announced working groups for the new healthcare initiative and Hillary Clinton is one of them. So perhaps Hillary will stay in the Senate.

    I wonder if they just couldn’t work out a good agreement in regards to Bill Clinton’s foundation. Perhaps we’ll get Bill Richardson as SoS?

  2. cassandra_m says:

    I’m not quite sure what to think about HRC as SoS. Basically I don’t know how good of an executive she’d be of an organization that has been as battered and demoralized as State (Diplomacy is for sissies!) has been. And the minute the press got wind of her Chicago visit, all of the usual Clinton drama ramped up. Richardson is a great guy but I wonder if he would vet based upon rumors that have been swirling around him for more than a year. The other name that is out there bit no one says is Richard Holbrook who would be at the top of the SoS list if this were Clinton picking her cabinet.

  3. Not Brian says:

    An oldie but good article so we can all get reacquainted with the darker side of Clinton era foreign relations….

    She should not be in the administration. She really should not be the SoS.

  4. Dominique says:

    ‘Richardson is a great guy but I wonder if he would vet based upon rumors that have been swirling around him for more than a year.’

    What rumors?!?! Do tell…

  5. Miscreant says:

    “What rumors?!?! Do tell…”

    Bill Richardson, Wen Ho Lee, Monica Lewinsky

  6. cassandra m says:

    Mis, is — as usual — quite off the mark, but thanks for playing!

  7. truth teller says:

    Now that obama is considering Hillary for SOS all you Obama freaks are now questioning his judgement. Look the guy was great during the primaries and the general and now you Clinton haters think he is a dunce. You all need a few lessons in how to support your man’s choice.

  8. Miscreant says:

    “Mis, is — as usual — quite off the mark, but thanks for playing!”

    Well, give us the real story… should there be one. Please, choke it up, Princess.