New World Order Follies

Filed in National by on November 19, 2008

(Via Neiwert) Aided and abetted by none other than Ron Paul — who, for at least the run of his Presidential campaign, had successfully re-branded himself as a mainstream libertarian. But now, he is busily expounding on the movement to the always imminent New World Order that will represent some conspiracy by the monied powers that be to create a worldwide monetary policy, a universal currency, provide the UN with black helicopters, make the global media bow down and create a worldwide government for the rest of us. Here’s a bit of that interview, predicting “a cataclysmic shift toward a New World Order” predicting the outcome of the just completed G-20 meeting:

“I think it’s going to be an announcement of a new monetary order, and they’ll probably make it sound very limited, they’re not going to say this is world government, even though it is if you control the world’s money and you control the military, which they do indirectly.”

“A world central bank, worldwide regulation and world control of the whole system, of all the commodities and all the natural resources, what else can you call it other than world government?”

“Obama wouldn’t be there if he didn’t toe the line, and when the meeting starts on November 15th for the new monetary system, this could be the beginning of the end of what’s left of our national sovereignty.” Paul said, also warning that the global media are already hailing Obama as the world’s leader.

Listen to the whole thing. It’s comedy gold. And you can tell exactly why this radio program even exists by listening to the commercials that exhort its listeners to buy more stuff to help them survive whatever the catastrophe of the day is. But as Neiwert notes (and you should click though his google link to the conspiracies, that is an education), this is just the beginning of what promises to be a real growth industry for the conspiracy-minded over the next few years.


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"You don't make progress by standing on the sidelines, whimpering and complaining. You make progress by implementing ideas." -Shirley Chisholm

Comments (32)

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  1. RSmitty says:

    Does this mean the end-times and Obama actually is the anti-Christ? OMG…I mean OMO (Obama). 😯

    I KID! Just playing along.

  2. miscreant says:

    Screw all that, Obama is going to do exactly what Soros tells him to do:

  3. xstryker says:

    OMO, love that, Smitty. (See, we can laugh at ourselves)

  4. delawaredem says:

    Ron Paul is the right’s Ralph Nader.

  5. Omigod, Miscreant and the fucking Soros reference. I was listening to right-wing radio today and this is the new talking point: Obama is going to do what Soros tells him to do.

    You bitches are pathetic. First, Obama as a terrorist failed. Then, Obama as a socialist failed. And now this shit. Jesus effing Christ.

  6. David says:

    Comedy gold–The joke is on us. You obviously didn’t listen to what some of these guys proposed. It is Brenton Woods on steriods.

  7. cassandra_m says:

    See what I mean?

  8. cassandra_m says:

    I saw that, Pandora, as well as his deconstruction of the push poll that those whackjobs commissioned. And even if you didn’t know it was a push poll, you’d surely know it after than interview. The whole effort is set up to basically prove that Obama voters are ignorant because they don’t know the wingnut smears on Obama.

  9. Tyler Nixon says:

    “because they don’t know the wingnut smears on Obama.”

    But they knew quite well all the wingnut smears of McCain, conditioned to the point of attributing to McCain (Palin, really) statements actually made by Biden or Obama, merely perceived by these voters as negative.

    Deconstruct all you want, but Obama had as many throngs of shallow idiot voters as McCain did. Perhaps more….as the elections results proved.

  10. Von Cracker says:

    Itz tru cawz Iz herd it on teh Ray-de-o.

    “Is it live or is it Memorex? Neither, it’s Miscreant!”

  11. Tyler Nixon says:

    As to the topic, cassandra writes (redacting her snearing irrelevant hyperbole) :

    “to create a worldwide monetary policy, a universal currency….and create a worldwide government”

    Curious. Do you support or oppose the actualization of these ends, de facto or otherwise?

    [Try to set aside your Obama worship (or Ron Paul hate) for a scintilla.]

    I just want to be clear where you’re coming from, since your post only ridicules and lambastes the messenger but never addresses the substance of what he posits, even just as a possibility.

    [For the record, I’m ambivalent towards the whole “New World Order” thing, either as a potential reality or as conspiracy shorthand.]

  12. pandora says:

    Come on, Tyler. One of the questions was “which candidate launched his political career in the home of a terrorist?”

    Does this really strike you as a serious poll?

  13. anonone says:


    Well, except that Obama won the higher income demographic and nearly tied McCain in the college educated demographic. Not to say either of those groups don’t contain uniformed voters.

    But he didn’t nominate a “shallow idiot voter” for Vice President like your candidate did.

    BTW, I enjoyed your post on Holder.

  14. Tyler Nixon says:

    LOL. I missed that one, Pandora. Yes, ridiculous, absurd, stupid….unless of course you are trying to gauge which prevailing lies and smears from either side (and capable of being boiled down to a simple question) actually sunk in and, if so, how it affected their vote or even just their ‘thinking’ process generally.

    I don’t know what is worse, that voters would buy into these BS “issues” or that they are so ignorant they missed them altogether, despite wall-to-wall media coverage perpetuating them.

  15. Tyler Nixon says:

    Thanks, anonone. As I have said in other fora, many thoughtful intelligent informed people made their choices for Obama. I believe the same goes for McCain. I respect a thoughtful reasoned choice but not a rash or ignorant or emotional one, when the stakes are what they are these days.

    Ignorance is the most insidious enemy of progress, not ideology. On this I hope we can agree.

    Thanks on the Holder post….I didn’t think you were addressing me when I first read it.


  16. anonone says:

    I need to think about the relationship between ignorance and ideology. They are related in complex ways, aren’t they?

    I think lack of empathy is the big enemy of the advancement of humanity, and that springs from ignorance.

    I share your concerns about Holder and also about prosecuting the torturers. Holder wants to lock people up for smoking pot but Obama does not want to prosecute BushCo for torturing innocent people? There really isn’t a much worse crime for government officials to commit than torture.

    It may be a long 4 or 8 years for both of us. 🙂

  17. Miscreant says:

    “Omigod, Miscreant and the fucking Soros reference. I was listening to right-wing radio today and this is the new talking point: Obama is going to do what Soros tells him to do.”

    Go fuck yourself, fatboy. I rarely listen to “right wing radio”. I’m surprised you do, unless you’re a closeted Log Cabin Republican. Of late, I’ve actually been listening to Delaware Talk Radio, just for shits & giggles, and it still beats the snot out of WGMD (although, I don’t waste much bandwidth on your sorry ass segment.) I saw that article nearly two days ago. It’s old news, and obvious, but I guess it struck a nerve.

  18. cassandra_m says:

    Curious. Do you support or oppose the actualization of these ends, de facto or otherwise?

    I certainly do not. And nor do I think that we are in any danger of getting near those ends. You’d think “comedy gold” would tell the tale.

    But I DO think that the people who have on about this kind of thing (including the Trilateral Commission and whatever else they want to assign some nefarious and sneaky absorption of sovereignty or anything else are Conspiracy Theorists. They aren’t trading in anything other then their own anxieties. I thought they had their heyday when Clinton was President when he was also supposed to bring the end of the world. Evidently a renaissance is near.

  19. Miscreant says:

    “Is it live or is it Memorex? Neither, it’s Miscreant!”

    Be realistic, Ass Cracker, I had absolutely no expectations that facts would echo in this chamber.

  20. Al Mascitti says:

    I find it amusing that the same people who think the ultimate goal is One World Government are generally the same people who think the over-arching goal of the Bush administration was to perpetuate Endless War.

    If we have One World Government, against whom would this Endless War be waged?

  21. Aren’t you a pissy little bitch, miscreant!! OK, remove “right-wing radio” and replace it with “right-wing news outlet.” It’s still the same fucking talking point I’ve heard over the last 48 hours. And it’s soooo fucking tired.

    When are you coming out of the closet so I can have you on air?

  22. Al Mascitti says:

    Miscreant: What do you want, a pat on the back for being a paranoid asshat without getting a cheat sheet first? OK, then, congratulations. Your paranoid asshat trophy should come in any day now.

  23. Al Mascitti says:

    Way to go, Mike. Now he’s never going to let up on those Log Cabin references.

    Have you and Maria ever been photographed together?

  24. I’m tired of these anonymous bitches who like to spout shit and then not be called out on it. But I still like miscreant. He’s a pretty funny bitch when he gets annoyed…especially when his comments are held in moderation!

  25. cat rowan says:

    BHO is going to do what Soros and Perseus have told him to do, as was said. He ws bought and paid for and he knows it.

  26. Miscreant says:


    Where’s the love?

    “Damn…that comment above was me, Mike Matthews. NOT Maria Evans.”

    No problem, buddy. It makes no difference because I took a dump on her Pop Tarts today as well. And it’s only logical that you’re a bit gender confused given your state of asexuality.

    “What do you want, a pat on the back for being a paranoid asshat without getting a cheat sheet first? ”

    No, Al, just seeing you do your little dance is reward enough. Now, go make me a sandwich.

  27. Miscreant says:

    “… he gets annoyed…especially when his comments are held in moderation!”

    I still think you were doing that just to fuck with me.

  28. I only wish I had done that to fuck with you…because the shit you spewed in the interim was comic gold.

  29. Miscreant says:

    Like I’ve said many times before, it’s all about the entertainment.

  30. R Smitty says:

    …I’ve actually been listening to Delaware Talk Radio, just for shits & giggles, and it still beats the snot out of WGMD …

    Sweet Jesus! He IS Gas-ass-ney! 😛

  31. Al Mascitti says:

    Truth be told, it was simply going to be a re-labeled old soccer-league participation trophy that didn’t move at the last yard sale. Anyway, props on being Delaware’s least cuddly but most humorous cranky conservative.