Filed in National by on November 19, 2008

How many contributers on Delaware Liberal is too many?

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hiding in the open

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  1. jason330 says:


  2. cassandra_m says:

    Are there bonus points for naming names?

  3. liberalgeek says:

    Actually, how many nicknames for one contributor is enough?

  4. cassandra_m says:

    A poll question!

  5. 1 non del lib contributor has answered….

    can we change our name to echo chamber now…

    just sayin

  6. pandora says:

    It takes a village…

  7. R Smitty says:

    OOo, crap. Sorry, didn’t mean to crash the party. 8)

  8. put on a lampshade and you will blend right in

  9. Dana says:

    I would say that 714 would be the absolutely top-mostest number you could ever have!

    Actually, one problem that does (sometimes) exist is that, with eight nearly daily posters, sometimes you get too many new articles in too short a time span. I wind up not reading a lot of them for that reason.

  10. Frieda Berryhill says:

    Why ? do I have to be invited ?

  11. delawaredem says:

    I agree with jason….9.

    Hey Daily Kos has nearly 20.

  12. anonone says:

    329 Jasons.

  13. does that include Dr. Nick?

  14. jason330 says:

    Liberalgeek & Nemski are one person. I am also Pandora, Cassandra and Xstyker.

    There are only three us here in Protact’s driveway sponging off his bandwith.

    There. I said it.

    Pass me the Mt Dew please.

  15. Not Brian says:

    I can not imagine it matters as long as you have some sort of editorial strategy to keep the volume/quality/variety straight – you will do well with more voices…

    Go more liberal and less Democrat with the next choice… you all have drank a little too much of the cool-aid… well, except DV… it’s all the shit he’s smokin..

  16. Not Brian says:

    OK Jason… was there some shread of truth in the Pornstashe HS girls comment you edited?

    I need to hear the story…

  17. jason330 says:

    No shred. I’m still in a snit over Lieberman and lashing out in unhealthy ways.

  18. R Smitty says:

    …was there some shread of truth in the Pornstashe HS girls comment you edited?

    You took it out because of that uncomfortable compliment he gave you in that other post, didn’t you? 😛

  19. Unstable Isotope says:

    The more the merrier

  20. Not Brian says:


    I would have preferred dirt and innuendo…

  21. Joanne Christian says:

    You decide. I just keep reading–and thinking. Xstryker really was a keen pick-up though. Hey maybe you guys want to institute a re-apply policy every 6mos. or so, to maintain contributor status? I am talking STATUS people!! I’ve heard Geek throwin’ it around out in public, and those doors opened, audience hushed, and mike set up. Just ask him.

  22. a. price says:

    so this is an article asking if there are too many articles? And as long as we have one more than de politics

  23. jason330 says:

    Joanne Christian,

    Why didn’t you tell me that you were going to play the lady President in this season of 48?

  24. Joanne Christian says:

    Jason-I didn’t know either. Am I? Since you’re the first to tell me, you can be my COS. OK?

  25. jason330 says:

    Another DL scoop!

  26. Miscreant says:

    You already have a sufficient quantity of contributors. Perhaps now is the time to shift your focus to quality.


  27. xstryker says:

    Hah, DV, JC backs me! In yo face!

    I’ll say 9. I feel that I have completed the circle. 😉

  28. :P, you can stay since I like your music taste…

    I’m gunning to get rid of the guy that doesn’t shave

  29. nemski says:

    That’s it. I’m going home after lunch, get drunk and write an opus about why I am Delaware’s Most Intelligent Blogger!

  30. Miscreant says:

    “I feel that I have completed the circle.”

    Yes, it’s a complete *circle*.

  31. Von Cracker says:

    Maybe Miscreant can be your Bill Kristol….

    Very similar recent track records, huh? 😆

    More the merrier….as long as it provides something of value.

  32. pandora says:

    I’m almost afraid to ask what defines “value” 🙂

  33. Von Cracker says:

    I left it vague because I’m afraid too… 😯

  34. Von Cracker says:

    Does that make Mis the origin of said *circle*, jerk?

    Sorry…too easy…

  35. Rod says:

    A Trillion!

  36. liberalgeek says:

    I guess we should just try to get too big to fail. Then we can get bailed out.

  37. Miscreant says:

    “Does that make Mis the origin of said *circle*, jerk?”

    Since you asked… I have, on numerous occasions, characterized this blog as a Socialist circle jerk. If that doesn’t strike a chord, I would now characterize you as the newest pivot man in this Socialist daisy chain.

    There’s more where that came from.