Interesting Factoid

Filed in National by on November 20, 2008

NRDC pay to play graph

How much can you personally save? Depends on what brand you choose. The Sony Playstation 3 and Microsofts Xbox 360 use as much as nine times more energy than the Nintendo Wii.

Habits play a crucial role as well. The systems use nearly the same amount of power when they are turned on and idle as they do when you are actively playing a game or watching a movie. If left on continuously, the Playstation 3 or Xbox 360 will consume the same amount of energy as two new refrigerators over the course

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hiding in the open

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  1. pandora says:

    I just dragged my son upstairs (XBox 360 in basement) and made him read this post.

  2. anon says:

    “Mom – who’s Donhusseinsquishviti??”

  3. I saw this yesterday. This morning my room mate was playing his gaming system with a portable forced heater on and when I turned on the hairdryer, it kicked the electricity off. He’s been told he’d better start to keep one thing on at a time.

  4. Haven’t played any gaming system since the original Nintendo from 20 years ago…

  5. Christ, if I got into gaming, I’d be so into it that I’d be a broke, lonely, divorced, fat loser.

    So.. basically, the only change is that my wife would leave me.

  6. nemski says:

    Mike Matthews = Loser

  7. xstryker says:

    The Wii is good fun. My wife and I have one and her parents do as well. Wednesday night is Mario Kart night over the internet against my old high school buddies.

  8. JohnnyX says:

    I am all about the Wii as well – Mario Kart is sweet. Although the multiplayer was a little better on the Gamecube version where you could just hook up the systems directly with broadband connectors. I’ve tried with friends before to get like 4 Wiis going on different TVs but when running all those wireless signals through one router it just became a big clusterfuck.

  9. Not Brian says:

    Xbox. Worth $11 a year idle time. I’d pay a hundred.