The Truth Comes Out.

Filed in National by on November 20, 2008

A Commenter of the Loyal Opposition, Joanne Christian, revealed the truth over at DTR, and Tyler Nixon ran with it over at Delaware Libertarian

Our secret is out.


Yes.   Jason330 is Newt Gingrich.   Newt Gingrich is Jason Scott.   All Newt does is dye his hair for his covert appearances with the unsuspecting Delaware Liberal contributors that he has recruited over the last four years.  

Seriously though, there is another secret that I will tease now….

Delaware Liberal 3.0 is coming.

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  1. kilroy says:

    “kilroy // Nov 6, 2008 at 9:33 am
    Is that Newt Gingrich?”

    Tyler Nixon you prick 🙂 just like your grandfather Richard Nixon you take credit for other’s work:)

    Hey let’s buy Jason a Newt suit and dress him up and take him on the town and see if we can fool others

  2. Unstable Isotope says:

    So, is Jason a concern troll for Delaware liberals or for national Republicans? Also, it really wasn’t cool the whole Clinton impeachment thing.

  3. delawaredem says:

    Kilroy, you should blame Joanne, as it seems Tyler got the idea from reading a comments of Joanne’s at DTR. Joanne probably got the idea from your comment here.

  4. kilroy says:

    delawaredem // Nov 20, 2008 at 8:55 am

    “Kilroy, you should blame Joanne, as it seems Tyler got the idea from reading a comments of Joanne’s at DTR. Joanne probably got the idea from your comment here.”

    I am only joking around having fun! Joanne’s comment came in response to my comment!

    However, dam Jason could pass for Newt’s illegitimate son! I think with a little make-up help from Pandora and perhaps a Brooks Brothers suit donated by Jack Markell we can take Newt / Jason on the road and make a fortune.

  5. Disbelief says:

    Why doesn’t Jason put on a suit and scare little kids (and sane adults) by going to Halloween as Newt?

  6. Von Cracker says:

    So if Jason leaves his spouse at the direst of moments, then the journey will be complete!

  7. Tyler Nixon says:

    Technically, VC, he would have ‘to leave her for dead, after divorcing her on her death bead’*.

    Jason may be evil. But not that evil.

    *(h/t donmuhammadsquishviti.)

  8. Joanne Christian says:

    Uh oh. DelDem–does this mean Jason has received his “Burn Notice”?

  9. Disbelief says:

    Leaving her for dead, or refusing to build her a deck. Hmmmmmmmm….

  10. Von Cracker says:

    LOL, TPN….LOL!