Earn It

Filed in Delaware by on November 24, 2008

I’ve met John Carney. I like John Carney. Carney’s going to get my support (speaking for myself only) for any office that he runs for. And this is Delaware, so I’m betting that Carney’s not going to run against the Biden name, even though I hope he will (assuming that Beau indeed runs for Senate as I expect).

So, assuming Beau runs, and doesn’t face Carney (or Kowalko, who would also get my endorsement), I hope he faces a primary. I want to know what Beau is made of, and without a good primary, we probably won’t find out. I don’t want another goddamned Tom Carper selling us out. I don’t want another vote supporting torture. I don’t want another Democratic Senator holding hands with Spineless Mike Castle with a big smile in joint photo ops and shooing away potential challengers from Ol’ Coinage McGee because he’s just so goshdarn moderate and beloved and incumbent! Who are you, Beau? What do you stand for? Are you going to be a fighter or a sell-out?

If you think we’re going to give you a free pass just because your name is Biden, you’re wrong. We’ll be watching, Beau; you’re going to have to prove yourself. We want progressive change, and so far, we’ve seen little of it in the Attorney General’s office. When you get back from Iraq, you’re going to have to accomplish a lot in a very short period of time. You barely beat Ferris Wharton last time, so you’d better not take anything for granted. And if you think the blogosphere isn’t an important ally to have, just ask Jack Markell and Barack Obama.

And Ted Kaufman, who the hell are you? No, seriously, where do you stand on the issues? You’ve got a lot of angry Carney supporters to answer to and we’d like to know exactly what kind of deal we just got stuck with. Delaware had an outspoken voice in Joe Biden, and Tom Carper cannot fill those shoes. Neither can you in two short years, but if you don’t make your voice heard, you will tarnish the Democratic brand for your successor. Don’t make that mistake. Speak up, speak out, fight for the common good, and take this responsibility seriously. Delaware is a small state, and you’re going to want to be able to look us in the eye when you bump into us in the supermarket.

About the Author ()

X Stryker is also the proprietor of the currently-dormant poll analysis blog Election Inspection.

Comments (13)

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  1. xstryker says:

    In case it isn’t clear, “Ol’ Coinage McGee” = Mike Castle, who’s got little more than pictures on quarters to show for himself.

  2. jason330 says:

    Well put.

    Ad I love the new nickname: “Ol’ Coinage McGee”

  3. cassandra_m says:

    Very good, X — no giveaways and no coronations.

  4. Dominique says:

    Beau is made of plastic and cheese. His DNC and Leno performances were better than I expected, but I’m not terribly impressed with him in person. Total cheeseball.

  5. xstryker says:

    Castle is made of polyester and tofu.

  6. Von Cracker says:

    Completely agree, xstriker.

    Though I’m sure Kaufman will be receiving some late-night calls from the Naval Observatory over the next couple years.

  7. Benjamin says:

    But look at the upside of Beau, Dom: at least he is white !

  8. Unstable Isotope says:

    I hope there is a real primary for the Senate seat. Look how exciting well-contested primaries are: Obama v. Clinton and Carney v. Markell. I know it’s heartbreaking for the loser of the primary but the voters are winners.

  9. Dominique says:

    So very clever, Benjamin. Your wit is the envy of the blogosphere. I don’t know how you come up with those side-splitting, original zingers. Quite the gene pool you came from. Impressive.

  10. meatball says:

    What makes you think Kaufman will be shopping (or even living in Delaware)?

  11. Geezer says:

    Dom: So I guess we shouldn’t get you a cheese ball for Christmas. So much for that Hickory Farms gift certificate…

  12. delawaredem says:

    Indeed, meatball.

  13. lekram says:

    If Kaufman doesn’t have a presence in Delaware, that will be a huge strategic mistake. People hereabouts like to see their politicians outside of campaigns. They like to bump into them at the grocery store.

    Kaufman has no excuses not to bust his ass over the next two years and do some remarkable things for this state. He knows how the Senate works, he knows the players, he has the backing of the vice president, he’s not hampered by re-election desires. If he doesn’t take advantage of those opportunities, he’ll play right into the GOP’s hands.

    Here’s a free TV ad script that Burris can file away: “[Begin with bad photos of Biden and Minner together, ominous music playing] When it came time for Delaware to replace Joe Biden, Ruth Ann Minner picked a nobody – a political insider who took his marching orders from the White House. [horrible, blotchy photo of Kaufman faded out on black background] Who is Ted Kaufman, and what has he done for Delawareans?
    “Now, [Beau Biden/John Carney/John Kowalko/John Atkins] wants to sit in Ted Kaufman’s seat in the Senate. What have they done for Delaware? Will they just take orders from Joe Biden, and be political puppets for the White House? [up-tempo music swells, with American flag swirling in background] If you want real change, vote for [Mike Castle/John Clatworthy/Charlie Copeland/Vance Phillips] for the U.S. Senate. Effective, independent experience to work for you.”