Props to Tom Carper

Filed in National by on November 24, 2008

As Much as I think Tom Carper sucks as a Democrat, nobody can dispute that fact that he is a great politician. He has instincts and guts. Two things that John Carney came up short on.

Carper wasn’t a shoe in to beat Bill Roth (prior to Roth falling down on the campaign trail) but he sensed an opening and went for it despite the consternation it caused among practitioners of “The Delaware Way.”

In his year of all years, John Carney stood a greater chance of taking out Castle than Carper taking out Roth, but he lacked Carper’s nerve and sense of timing.

I’ve heard that he let Carper talk him out of it. Maybe so. I guess we’ll never know. I should not think it would be the kind of thing that either man will note in their memoirs.

About the Author ()

Jason330 is a deep cover double agent working for the GOP. Don't tell anybody.

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  1. Unstable Isotope says:

    Confused. If Carper has good instincts and Carney takes his advice…

    I agree though that Carney doesn’t seem like a risk-taker.

  2. cassandra_m says:

    You go to the mattresses against your Godfather when you are pretty damned sure you will win AND there’s no long term price to pay for the disloyalty.

  3. jason330 says:

    The arc of Carper’s advice always bends toward helping Tom Carper.

  4. xstryker says:

    It takes some ego to get ahead in politics. I’m a fan of Carney, but you have a point – if there’s one criticism I have of the man, it’s that he’s too willing to avoid overturning the apple cart, ie The Delaware Way.