Airing my dirty laundry

Filed in National by on November 25, 2008

FU bitches…I’m no quitter!

So, yesterday my daughter was sick and needed a ride home. Here are the text messages that followed

12:59 PM from Exviti

WHAT THE HELL IS GOIN ON W #3?!? Are you planning on getting her from the nurse or what?!?

(I didn’t reply, I was trying to get her a ride home. I work in Philly, kid goes to Cab)

1:05 PM from Exviti


1:34 from ME

that has to b teh funniest comment from you ever. me grow up and tell you what is going on? sort of lik you trying to choice daughter #1 to AI and not telling me? or like me having to ask you abt #1’s dr. appt on Friday?

1:41 PM from Exviti

Leaving your daughter in the nurse’s office for almost 2 HOURS?!? CLASSIC DONVITI! You fucking alcoholic LOSER!!! GO TO HELL!!!

1:42 ME

lol. I see you and #1 are chirping again. you 2 have fun in therapy. you both need it.

1:45 PM from Exviti

Ohhh.. I’ve heard about the drinking from several reliable sources. DOWNWARD SPIRAL MUCH DONVITI?!? LOOOOOOSER!!!! Can’t WAIT to here you try to explain your behavio

2:00 ME

u will learn in therapy (assuming you go) to worry about yourself. good luck…you two need it.

2:06 PM from Exviti


And this ladies and gentleman is why if you ever decide to get married and have children you better make damn well sure it is with the right person.

About the Author ()

hiding in the open

Comments (34)

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  1. Dana says:

    Mr Viti, I can’t even read half of this stuff!

    Me: Two daughters, aged 20 and 17, by one wife of 29 years, six months and six days.

  2. Disbelief says:

    Why does she beat around the bush so much? Can’t she just come out and plainly say what she means?

  3. RSmitty says:

    …and for this woman, you packed yourself into a steamy sausage…I mean a submarine. Oy vey.

  4. i struggle to read between the lines

  5. crap says:

    DV, or whomever you are today,

    If you’re going to stick with this site, please do yourself a favor and stop posting about your family, your ex and your kids. If you care at all about the latter, you’ll stop. They don’t need to have their father chattering about all sorts of personal crap. It’s really idiotic and insensitive to post stuff like this. If you need a friend to confide in, get one, or see a therapist. But don’t air your family’s disputes for the whole world to see. It’s not healthy for your children.

  6. RSmitty says:

    Oh, I am going to recline the lounge chair and enjoy this one…
    opens beer…
    reclines chair…


  7. anon says:

    But DV, you have blog friends. Just tell her you will send “anon,” “Miscreant” or “crap” to pick up your daughter.

  8. delawaredem says:

    LOL, RSmitty, me too. Who cares if it is only 9 am. Where’s my Lager?

  9. RSmitty says:

    Beer always brings us together…then does ugly things hours later. Ah…politics.

  10. Kilroy says:

    Wow ! Dude you need a drink!

    “make damn well sure it is with the right person.”

    The thing is you don’t know until after you live together and have children.

    I’ve been married 28 years to Mrs. Kilroy number 3. One kid 22 now and we still have our ups and downs. Mrs. Kilroy number 2 was 4 year enlistment and she was a cheater. Marriage was volatile, 2 kids now 32 & 31. Mrs. Kilroy number 1 was a 1 and half year enlistment and I fucked up with a little help from Uncle Sam. Kid now 37.

    I am 54 years old and I feel like 150 years old! I’ve been married pretty much 34 years of my 54 years of life.

    My advice to all ! Don’t get married!

  11. crap,

    It’s really idiotic and insensitive to post stuff like this. If you need a friend to confide in, get one, or see a therapist. But don’t air your family’s disputes for the whole world to see. It’s not healthy for your children.

    I married my therapist.

    My friends left me b/c I’m a loooooseeer.

    This isn’t a dispute, It is me showing the world my ex-wife besides we have like 10 readers.

    This is a PSA for all those people that are on the fence about getting married.

    It’s hard to respect your opinion when you are named crap. You need a respectable name. Something with Hussein in it perhaps…

  12. delawaredem says:

    Crap Hussein Turdblossom? Is that a respectable name?

  13. If you’re going to stick with this site, please do yourself a favor and stop posting about your family

    I don’t do myself favors…

    well, that isn’t true, i treat myself to one favor a night

  14. I was thinking Kaufman something…

  15. Gorilla says:

    “This is a PSA for all those people that are on the fence about getting married. ”

    It sounds like a PSA only for people planning to marry you.

    I spy two losers in the equation. Your ex has issues. So do you. You both should be arrested for what you have done to your kids beneath it all.

  16. arthur says:

    She must be a republican

  17. G,

    I never said I didn’t have problems…I blame society for my families ill’s though. throw them in jail.

  18. Gorilla says:

    “I blame society for my families ill’s though. throw them in jail.”

    We blame you.

    There’s more of us.

    Don’t drop the soap.

  19. more of who? people that hope other men get raped in a shower?

    Ohhh wait, I get it, you think there are more Republicans that hope other men get raped. I’m pretty sure you are right.

  20. the cajun says:

    Gee DV,

    It’s shouting matches like these that make me glad I am gay.
    That exchange could have been between my sister and her husband.

    Happy Thanksgiving. (there are some things to be thankful for, NO?

  21. It’s shouting matches like these that make me glad I am gay.

    it’s why I pray you guys (gays) aren’t allowed to marry! It’s for your own good!

  22. RSmitty says:

    it’s why I pray you guys…

    You pray?

  23. Gorilla says:

    “more of who?”

    Society, you obstinent guinea.

    “people that hope other men get raped in a shower?”

    While I suspect you probably got a little action on that sub, I think you harbor a bad boy fantasy that only a good rogering in a correctional facility can fulfill.

    “Ohhh wait, I get it, you think there are more Republicans that hope other men get raped. I’m pretty sure you are right.”

    Just the liberals. We figure if you fart flowers and make rainbows out of there, you probably need a little more aggressive plowing.

  24. G,

    you make about as much sense as all the names you go by….

    your homophobia is enlightening though

  25. ooh, ooh, I want to pile on!

    Viti, it is all your fault. Everything. From the Roman Empire’s collapse to all the things we currently blame on Bush. It’s all you, man. You fucked it all up for everyone. You are the proverbial wet blanket on the world.

    The Eagles… your fault.
    Howard Dean’s scream four years ago? Yep.
    Mission Accomplished? Somehow you did it.
    The Mars landers? You betcha. How were you to know that some calculations are standard and some are metric?

    I hope you feel ashamed of yourself for screwing up the entire human civilization from Adam and Eve with the apple straight up to RAM’s thought processes.


  26. are you saying I screwed eve? sweet!

  27. Duffy says:

    I am the only one who’s impressed by this woman’s ability to stay enraged for so long. How does she do it? I find fits of anger exhausting. She should be studied further to find out how this is possible.

  28. How does she do it?

    most likely she is still in love with me…

  29. jason330 says:

    If she is reading this, her head just caught on fire.

  30. Unstable Isotope says:

    They say there’s a thin line between love and hate.

  31. Mrs. Hotviti says:

    she hates me just as much and it’s definitely not love between us (at least not that i can remember 😉 ) jealousy’s a bitch… wait that’s her. LOL 🙂

  32. Gorilla says:

    You should warm up to her. You’ll need her recommendations on a lawyer at some point.