Amusing…in a not funny way

Filed in National by on November 25, 2008

Sooooo, Citigroup is getting about $350,000,000,000.00…... The banking industry is tanking! OH MY GOD! CREDIT IS DRYING UP EVERYWHERE!!!!!!

American Express: PRICELESS….

oh, and you do know who owns ton’s of shares in Citi right? click to find out….

Look at that….Look at all those banks that own Citi?  One big clusterfuck.  A true house of cards and we are the dopes that own it now.

Look at the dopes that work there buying up the company stock thinking they had a good deal  injecting capital into a sinking ship.    A few dopes stands out on 13-NOV-08

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hiding in the open

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  1. jason330 says:

    We are getting raped.

    How did the sage put it, “our dry aholes…?”

  2. he didn’t want to curse….

  3. Susan Regis Collins says:

    …….who owns tons of Citi stock?? Somalie pirates did their deal??? 😉

  4. Randy Nelson says:

    When all is said and done, Bush, the Treasury and the Federal Reserve will have spent $10 trillion in less than 6 months bailing out their friends on Wall Street. Remember that the next time a republican bemoans welfare or unions. Remember that the next time a republican talks about socialism or communism. It’s the greatest corporate welfare/giveaway in our nation’s history at the expense of average Americans. Come to think of it, if you add the oil companies free pass under Bush, the MIC gift in Iraq, tax breaks for the top 5%, you begin to see what republicans are all about. Giveaways to the wealthy, morality speak for everyone else. Thank God the American public voted this trash out of office.

  5. xstryker says:

    That’s Charles Prince, not Prince Charles. Prince is the former CEO.

  6. xstryker says:

    Also, looks like the 11/13 stock purchases (which include current CEO Vikram Pandit) is just a capital injection designed to convince stockholders and employees that they are committing their own money to make sure the firm succeeds. They’re sending a message saying, “Don’t panic, look, I know we’re going to turn things around. I am a senior officer and I am staking my own fortunes on it, so you know I have a personal stake”.

    I’m not defending Citi, who defrauded big-time customers with propped-up SIVs. Just trying to spread the clarity on what’s going on.