Comment Rescue: Your Cronyism Sucks More Than My Cronyism

Filed in National by on November 25, 2008

Commenter Ryan B writes…

“an example of the advancement of cronyism over merit”

so the argument is to pick the primary loser over the man who walked the halls of the senate for 20 years because it will help keep peace within the democratic party.

that’s the merit over cronyism case? please help me out here.

The thing that gives me heartburn about this whole Biden thing is that some Carney people are arguing for a form of cronyism.

My thinking on this changes by the minute, but here is the bottom line. As XStyrker said yesterday, whoever is the next Senator – they should have to EARN IT.

About the Author ()

Jason330 is a deep cover double agent working for the GOP. Don't tell anybody.

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  1. cassandra_m says:

    Earning it will confer some real legitimacy to whoever wins — even if Daddy pays for most of it. Seriously though, if there is a primary to be had, whoever is in has a 9 month head start.

  2. xstryker says:

    In my opinion, seeing as how Carney lost by the slimmest of margins, he’s earned it. The primary gave us the opportunity to learn what he’s about and get a sense of his skills. He was outdone by Markell, sure, but was impressive nonetheless. Of course, whether someone’s earned something is purely subjective, so your mileage may vary.

    That said, Carney was not chosen, so he’s going to have to earn it in 2010 if he wants it. I certainly support competitive primaries. My fear is that Biden will run and that no one will have the guts to challenge him in the primary.

  3. Just have to drop this here.

    Great interview with Priscilla Rakestraw on DTR right now…!

  4. Omigod we’re talking about mammograms!!! This is fucking hilarious. Where are all of you?!?

  5. WTFC says:

    If not for a few thousand Republicans who switched Carney would have won. He stayed loyal and got screwed. Now, will he challenge Beau or not? Maybe follow Markell’s lead and rock the boat?

    If Castle does not go for the Senate then he will run again and that may be Carney’s chance. Carney can beat Castle.

    In the end, the GOP will be a no show or do the usual routine.

    As for Priscilla, skip the mammogram and do a prostate check on her.

  6. jason330 says:

    Castle is not running for the Senate.

  7. You say that with such certainty, Dr. Liberal!

  8. cassandra_m says:

    Carney ran for Governor of this state and I still don’t get how that translates into “earning” an appointment to the Senate. I didn’t vote for Carney for Gov for a bunch of real reasons and those reasons don’t exactly go away now that there is an appointed plum seat to be had.

    Without knowing what kind of role Carney may be carving out for himself in a Markell admin (if he is), if I’m John Carney, I’m thinking that being a Team Player may have just outlived all the utility I’m going to get out of it.

  9. Unstable Isotope says:

    I guess I’m coming around more to the Kaufman appointment. I hope our Delaware politicians don’t let us down by having an uncontested primary. I know Carney isn’t a boatrocker but since it didn’t work out for him just following the Delaware Way maybe he will be willing to take some chances.

  10. Puzzler says:

    Kaufman appears to be a placeholder for Beau.

    Also, Beau appears to be an hereditary hier, which is pretty damn wierd.