Delaware Liberal

Day Two: Biden’s Bullshit Still Stinks

As Delaware news days go, yesterday was a doozy.

The events and the way they were handled reveal alot about the string pullers here in Delaware and who really has and does not have juice. Bloggers don’t have juice. That is a given.

John Carney didn’t have enough juice to influence events, but as this story unfolds it is looking like he might have enough juice to influence future events.

Yesterday Cassandra made a good case for Carney’s strength in a Beau Biden/John Carney primary. I tut tut’ed her comments but today I am coming around for a couple of reasons. For one thing, this political hereditary bullshit is odious to a great many people not named Ron Williams.  It is exactly the kind of thing that could wake up the slumbering masses who don’t pay much attention to politics.

As primary day approaches, and Joe’s assertions that, “It was not a set up” begin to ring more and more hollow, an bedraggled army of vaguely pissed off people from across the political spectrum could be raised in a “Stop Biden” movement. Markell played the aggrieved outside to good effect and I’m sure John Carney took copious notes on how to register Republicans.

For another thing, this appointment was not just a thumb in the eye of one man, but will stab at a large number of Democrats who worked hard for John Carney and who hold happen to actually do the work of getting voters to the polls. These mid-level party insiders don’t have much individual power, but collectively have some clout.

So I am beginning to think that we might have a big, blood on the floor, primary after all. Either that or the Biden machine will figure out some damage control mechanism.

The wild card is Tom Carper. After the shitty advice Carper has given Carney to date, it is not so much what Carper tells Carney, but what what Carper does to help Joe Biden make sure Beau does not become a vessel for the public’s wrath.

One thing is sure no matter what: Mike Castle is not running for the US Senate. You can take that to the bank.

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