Delaware Liberal

I have to constantly remind myself that I am not normal.

When I read any News Journal article, like this one, over the past few weeks concerning speculation over Biden’s replacement, each article always contains two assumptions that I find maddening: 1) that Biden could have been appointed to fill his father’s Senate seat, and 2) that no one knows who will run for the Senate seat in 2 years if a placeholder is appointed.    It was based on these assumptions that the news of Beau Biden refusing an appointments to the Senate was news in the first place.   When I read his statement, I said, “well duh.”  

Of course he is refusing it.   He can’t cut short his tour of duty in Iraq to serve in the Senate.  That would be political suicide for him and his father.   But the News Journal writers, or their editors, believed that that was a viable option for the Biden clan.   And thus it is BIG news when Beau read that statement. 

And now that Kaufman has been appointed, an example of the advancement of cronyism over merit, the News Journal is finally speculating that this appointment was done with an eye towards Beau running in 2010, but it is still treated like a remote possibility.

For example, here are two quotes from the story:

“Ted may or may not be a placeholder for Beau,” [Kent County Democratic leader John]Mancus said. “Beau may not want to run in two years. At least it puts the seat back in the hands of the voters.”

“It does kind of fit the pattern that they used with the Attorney General’s Office,” state Republican Chairman Tom Ross said, referring to Carl C. Danberg’s appointment to the justice post until the regular election.

“Essentially, they cleared the way and put in a good soldier, so to speak, and allowed things to occur so the seat would be open for Beau Biden. I don’t know that’s what will happen, but it does seem to fit the pattern.”

I know why those assumptions are there, of course.  They can only report what they are told from those they interview on the record and on background.  On the record, people like Ross and Marcus, and probably Daniello and Betts, were all saying “Who knows what Beau Biden is going to do?  He may run for reelection to the AG’s office.”   Off the record, the reporters and editors probably have the same opinions and speculation as I do, but just can’t report it.   

I am a political junkie.  I am not normal.  Normal is not thinking about politics until election time.   For me, it is a 24/7/365 deal.   It is like a baseball season that never ends.   And I love it.

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