On The Curse of The Bambino

Filed in National by on November 25, 2008

Back in July 1978, the Boston Red Sox had a 14-game lead on their hated rivals, the New York Yankees. In what had to be one of the greatest collapses in baseball history, the Red Sox had to play the Yankees in a one-game playoff in Fenway Park. Down 2-0 in the top of the 7th inning, the Yankees had two men on with no outs, but poor hitting Bucky Dent coming to the plate. In Dent’s 12 season career, he batted .247 with 40 home runs, but he had recently been hitting a paltry .140. The count got to 1-1 and with another swing of the bat, Dent hit the ball over the left-field wall known as The Green Monster. Bill White, the Yankees broadcaster,  shrieked, “Deep to left! Yastrzemski will not get it!” The Yankees won the game 5-to-4 and went on to beat the Dodgers in the World Series. Happy birthday, Bucky F’ing Dent.

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A Dad, a husband and a data guru

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  1. nemski says:

    For what is is worth, after that devastating day in Boston, the Red Sox manager referred to Bucky Dent as Bucky F’ing Dent, though he used the whole word. To this day, that is how Dent is referred to in Red Sox Nation. He was recently introduced at Fenway Park by the stadium announce as “Bucky Bleeping Dent”.

    Maybe one day Andy Reid will forever be known as Andy F’ing Reid.

  2. He is one of a select few that will avoid the city of Boston at all costs for fear of someone recognizing him. Bill Buckner is another.

  3. delawaredem says:

    Just like the Philadelphia Phillies are now known as World Fucking Champions.

  4. RSmitty says:

    In what had to be one of the greatest collapses in baseball history…

    Yes, ONE of the greatest collapses, but not THE greatest collapse…it’s not like they were up 7 with 17 to play, only to lose by 1 game. Now, who was that again? Hmm…

  5. xstryker says:

    Ah, the Red Sox. Much like the New York Knicks, they are proof that “it’s not how much money you got, it’s what you do with it.”