The Turkey Slaughter Was No Gaffe

Filed in National by on November 25, 2008

At Daily Kos, Bill in Portland Maine is known as a satirist, but I think he gets this 100% correct when talking about Republican “code” and “dog whistle” politics. The thing was too staged to be an accident.

So what about Sarah? She was using a sophisticated unspoken code last Thursday. Her mouth was saying, “Blah blah blah,” but the message from the activity going on behind her sent a clear signal to her Republican rivals, which I’ve translated here:

“I am going to destroy you.

Huckabee, I mean you. Romney, you, too also. Jindal and Pawlenty, you pencil-neck lightweights, get on your knees and beg for mercy. Yeah, Newt, I’m lookin’ at you, too, also—if you value your wattle you’ll go back into hiding. And Rudy: don’t even think about runnin’ again also—just don’t. That goes for all ‘o ya! Because I can see ya from my house and I know where to find ya.

You see those turkeys behind me? That’s you, guys, if you dare to challenge me in 2012. That election is mine, you hear? Mine! You betcha, also.”

People laughed at Sarah for staging such a clumsy photo-op. But it was code. Her rivals heard it loud and clear. And I have it on good authority that at least one of them will pass on carving the turkey this year and order Chinese takeout instead.

About the Author ()

Jason330 is a deep cover double agent working for the GOP. Don't tell anybody.

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  1. …er, hello…
    KO made it clear that Palin both OK’d and relished the fowl backdrop of death on the very same day of the interview’s release.

  2. jason330 says:

    So Saucey today Nancy.

    I think Bill was poitning out the actual point of the staged event while KO was reporting that it was staged.

  3. Unstable Isotope says:

    Sarah OK’d the backdrop but she is pretty clueless.

  4. Duffy says:

    When there are two possible explanations, stupidity and malevolence, there’s a 99% chance the answer is stupidity.

  5. Gorilla says:

    Gobble, gobble.