A Donviti Mea Culpa

Filed in National by on November 26, 2008

I think we all know how I write and sometimes I get a little out of hand. There are some of you that think I take it a little to far and some that find my humor and style a gift from God. I don’t want to take up to much space on the page today because I’m sure the 25,002,232 WRITERS we have here at Dellib will think they have something more important to share with you than this.

Please read more if you are interested at all in reading my mea culpa. It’s a long time in the making. Yes honey, I know…it’s about time




I kiss no ones ass and make no apologies for who I am! My F-YOU goes especially out to all you sad sacks of shit in Dover that think you get a free pass and can screw over it’s citizens. Eventually, the dumbasses voting for you will get a clue. You are just lucky the job losses held off till past election time because YOU HAVE NO BALLS. YOU DON’T CARE ABOUT ME. YOU CARE ABOUT YOU AND LOOKING GOOD TO YOUR LAPDOGS. If you cared what we think you would do something. You wouldn’t let an 85 year old run our state and put laws in a drawer that his poor heart can’t stand to let you vote on. You wouldn’t let our government remain hidden to its citizens. You would have let Windpower come to the state in a much easier fashion.  You wouldn’t have deregulated our heating and electric.  (Free Market Competition my ass). You wouldn’t have given away all that land to developers and not worried about the infrastructure. You would have put 2 and 2 together and figured out if homes are built for 5,000 people and THERE ARE NO FUCKING JOBS FOR 100 PEOPLE TO WORK AT AROUND THOSE HOMES EVENTUALLY SOMETHING WOULD HAVE TO GIVE!

Which brings me to what happened yesterday. KAUFMAN? ARE YOU KIDDING ME? ARE YOU FUCKING KIDDING ME? KAUFMAN? WHO THE FUCK IS THAT? The guy looks a bad stunt double version of Donald Sutherland in M.A.S.H. Does he even live in Delaware? 

My dead Mom-mom could have been rolled out and more people would have known her. Jesus, how transparent a move is it to roll out a guy that was Biden’s butt boy for 20 years. Wow…”I walked the halls of Congress…yadda yadda yadda” Excuse me while I go crap something that matters. Wow, thanks Ted. So glad you walked the halls. Have at it. We have a governor that can see Russia and is a Foreign Policy expert so why not a guy that schedules meetings and was an advisor to a “gaffe machine” be a Senator. Woohoooooo! Cronyism! It’s alllivvveeeeee….it’sss aliveeeeeeeee!

Grow a pair of BALLS Dover! Do us, you know IT’S FUCKING CITIZENS!@!!!!! Do us a favor and do what is right. WAAAAAHHHHHHHHH, someone might not like me standing up to them. I was told to do this because it will be good for the party, or because word has gotten out Carper is pissed . Remember what made you want to run for office?



Because I don’t think you do anymore.  Or if you did run for office it wasn’t because you wanted to help the citizens, the children, the people that don’t have a voice and need YOU TO STAND UP FOR THEM. 

We got an Ahole in Sussex that switched parties after abusing his power and was thrown out of office.  THROWN OUT OF OFFICE!!!  HE GOT ELECTED AS A DEMOCRAT!??? WHAT ARE WE VENEZUELA? How disgraceful is that? The guy is a freaking radio-station stalker, wife abusing, power abusing, lush (ALL allegedly) and he get’s reelected? Awesome, Dover, you should be proud.  Hopefully the Daily show or Colbert will do a skit mocking you and you can all laugh about it in January. 

Next time you see our boy in Dover, slap his back for me. I’m jealous. All I have is a few loitering and peeing in public charges to my name….

It’s not even party before country anymore. It’s a fucking few People before country and state. Which makes it worse. At least when you are loyal to a party you show you care about something bigger than one person. Some idea that you cling to, some form of power sharing. But in Delaware, it ain’t about the State, the Country or it’s Citizens it’s about the individual bags of hot air that walk around like “statesman”. WOOOPPPDDIEEEEE DOOOOOO, we have an Aristocracy in Delaware and god forbid we upset the balances of power. We don’t want to do anything to upset that octogenarians running our state. I picture a setting of Harry Potter and all these old bags of wind are like the characters that teach and lead at Hogwarts with their hairy moles and wrinkles so deep that soil has started to fill the massive cracks of their epidermis and weeds are beginning to grow in them. 

Don’t you people become lobbyists at some point? Christ, we have like a few trillion dollars of banking money sitting right across the street from the worsts part of Wilmingont (ironic). My daughter and all her friends are popping pills like candy during school. They are traded like sour patch kids cards. Can’t you go shill for AZ and make your blood bleed purple for a few hundred K? I mean come on, Your boy Mike Scanlon Delaware’s “Life Gaurd of the Year” made a pretty nice living shilling for Abramoff and Delay. Go fucking work for them for god’s sake.

Shall I keep going? Or do I offend your sensative ears and eyes. Oh, that donviti, he is so harsh…Ohhhhh no, I used a bad word, go pray and beg for forgiveness. Pray for me while you are at it I need a new car. Words…ohhhh, they hurt so bad. Maybe they are shocking because you never fucking hear them? Because you got it made and don’t have to worry about serving us, only your other elected buddies higher up the food chain.  Because you bury your heads in the sand and don’t listen to the frustration of the citizens you serve.  Nahhhhh, it’s just me.  I’m the only person this frustrated and pissed off in Delaware.  Don’t drive to the bad parts of the state.  Shhhhhhh, close your eyes, it will all go away if you ignore it. 

We have a Republican that was on his DEATH BED, HIS DEATH BED. He didn’t do press conferences for months a few years ago and LOW AND BEHOLD we have two knuckleheads duking it out for the Governorship? WTF? Yes, the citizens of Delaware are stupid and you are lucky for it. So lucky. The smart thing to do would be to dethrown the worthless Bankruptcy voting, Bush supporting, Iraq War supporting, Mr. Invisible. But nooooooo, there is party infighting and who suffers?


Oh yes, that’s right. The people you work for. HELLLOOO, remember me? That’s right. You don’t work for the Banks, you don’t work for the CEO’s of the Auto Co’s or that morally bankrupt Drug Company that owns half of Brandywine Hundred now. You don’t work for DuPont either that owns the other half. You work for me. Your jobs aren’t to make sure that business are more profitable. Your jobs are to serve the citizens. Not the half a dozen people that you think magically create jobs for the citizens….TRICKLE DOWN ECONOMICS DOESN’T WORK!!!!

So DOVER. On behalf of DONVITI and only DONVITI I’d like to say FUCK YOU VERY MUCH. For showing us time and again how spineless you are. Year in and year out nothing changes. This year I was proven wrong though. You “appeared” to work really hard to make sure nothing changed. Bravo!

Happy Thanksgiving…..go fuck yourselves.

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hiding in the open

Comments (20)

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  1. This is fucking brilliant!!! DV you da man!!

  2. Unstable Isotope says:

    Should I be laughing?

    Yes, the people in Dover should be ashamed of themselves and they have a lot to answer for. However, the voters share a big part of the blame because they keep electing the same jokers. If we want a better government we have to do it ourselves and we can’t wait for some politician to come and save us.

  3. delawaredem says:

    Spot on, although I wouldn’t paint as broad a brush. Markell, Denn, Peterson, Kowalko, and some other progressive lawmakers do not deserve inclusion until they have had a chance to fail us.

  4. Unstable Isotope says:

    I’m glad there was no one in my office when I clicked the “Read more.”

  5. although I wouldn’t paint as broad a brush.

    I was using a hatchet

    besides I said out to all you sad sacks of shit in Dover that think you get a free pass and can screw over it’s citizens.

    Those guys didn’t get a free pass and the ones that did know who they are.

  6. anon says:

    I’m not sure this is the kind of post politicians would want to be associated with.

  7. Joanne Christian says:

    I am so proud of you. Now, may I live to see a real liberal vote the person and not the party–right here in Delaware, where we know the party, and have a great chance and access to know the person.
    Such a statement you make. From your pen to the polls!

  8. jason330 says:

    Apology accepted.

  9. Kilroy says:

    Dude forget the alcohol go directly to the Kill Weed aka KW!

  10. miscreant says:

    Nice one. Thanks.

  11. Amen. It is all about power, and not about representation.

    I don’t care what party the person is from, if they are not representing the people, and are worried about power grabbing, then they should be axed.

  12. RSmitty says:

    They all like it, DV. Your post must have sucked, then.

    I will put this out right now…I do find it boring not working with you anymore, you Carlton-dancing bitch!

  13. snoop dogg x’s 2 back at ya

  14. Rod says:

    Wow, I’m wired. Thanks!

  15. John Tobin says:

    Poltical commentary as performance art, huh?
    Or vice-versa?

  16. a says:

    DV’s Thanksgiving Message to the World:

    Fuck all you fucking fuckers. May the pumpkin pie rot in hell and the asshole politicians get diarrhea from bad turkey!!!!

  17. Joanne Christian says:

    DV-Did you approve this message?