Ready To Roll (?)

Filed in National by on November 26, 2008

I hope John Carney is as eager to fight as his supporter.

Delawonk is one pissed off dude.  He has registered, has called Minner a “Cow”  and basically seems to be spoiling for a fight.

Meanwhile, Carney’s biggest failing is that he has not been a fighter.

About the Author ()

Jason330 is a deep cover double agent working for the GOP. Don't tell anybody.

Comments (6)

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  1. Rod says:

    I am going to post the same response left on this site around 10 minutes ago.

    John Carney has nobody to blame but himself for his political quandry. I believe that if John would have offered more than lip service to the minority communities he could have won the primary by 17,000 votes. My advice to John, stop sitting on the fence you’re not an altar boy!

  2. vyllyness says:

    So, please tell me do, what in hell do we need a weak sister down in DC for? WTF does that do for the people of Delaware? Nothing, which is exactly what the problem is with the freakin’ ole boy network here in this State. It’s a 10 lb. bag of sh*& in a 5 lb. bag. Good God, have mercy on us if you people are convinced that either BB or Carney have anything to offer that would make a difference besides another D in DC. You make no compelling arguments as to what these men are worth or why they are worthy or where their ideas lie. Principles above personalities.

  3. delawaredem says:

    A tipster refreshes my memory as to Delawonk:

    Remember how Delawonk trashed you all repeatedly for making “personal attacks” against Democrats during the primary. How about the fact that his blog calls Minner a “cow” – and that’s the headline.

    Also. Wasn’t he against primaries?

    Indeed. Just because we agree now, doesn’t make Delawonk any less of a hypocrite.

  4. Miscreant says:

    “Just because we agree now, doesn’t make Delawonk any less of a hypocrite.”

    Bullshit. Delawonk has shown more political mettle in the past few days than you limp-dicked simpletons have shown in the past year.

  5. jason330 says:

    I don’t care about any of that ancient history.

  6. Carney is soon to become Delaware’s Al Gore.