Remember What I Said Yesterday

Filed in Delaware by on November 26, 2008

You don’t?   Here:

When I read any News Journal article, like this one, over the past few weeks concerning speculation over Biden’s replacement, each article always contains two assumptions that I find maddening: 1) that Biden could have been appointed to fill his father’s Senate seat, and 2) that no one knows who will run for the Senate seat in 2 years if a placeholder is appointed. It was based on these assumptions that the news of Beau Biden refusing an appointments to the Senate was news in the first place.   When I read his statement, I said, “well duh.”

Well read this editorial from the highly intelligent savants on the News Journal Editorial Board:

It was a surprising, but logical, announcement by Gov. Ruth Ann Minner who obviously took Sen. Biden’s desire in consideration.

I have to stop there.   “Took Biden’s desire in consideration?”    Hahahahahaha.  She followed orders.

Mr. Kaufman is an excellent choice who can easily slip into the title of U.S. senator with little tutoring or orientation. And he’s the perfect place holder for whomever runs in the 2010 General Election for the remaining four years of the Biden term. Mr. Kaufman said he does not intend to run for the office.

Like Angelo Cataldi using a bullhorn to call out Joe Banner and Jeffrey Lurie on WIP, I need one to call out the illustrious Editorial Board.   STOP THE BULLSHIT.    STOP THE PRETENSE.    Treat your readers like they have IQs higher than Sarah Palin.    Educate them as to the political realities of this state.  It is one thing to keep such informed speculation out of actual news stories, but this is an editorial.  It is your opinion.   Do you mean to tell me that it is your opinion that no one knows who will run in 2 years???  If that is truly the case, then you all are idiots.

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  1. observer says:

    Perhaps they are simply tacitly incorporating what they may be hearing off-the-record from Beau – that he doesn’t plan to run in 2010.

    I don’t know if that’s true or not, but it would be silly and stupid for Beau to run. He hasn’t exactly done a bang-up job as AG – name one thing he’s done? – and he’d be widely seen as just trying to follow in dad’s footsteps. That’d be a REAL easy Republican attack line. Look at the Murkowskis in Alaska.

    Perhaps – just perhaps – Beau really just wants to keep his options open.

  2. Gorilla says:

    I think Kaufman should run in 2010, just to mess it all up.

  3. Unstable Isotope says:

    Kaufman was already retired, and he’s 69 years old now.

  4. OK, I am on the Board of a community center in an impoverished area of the City of Wilmington and we were put under the gun recently with a number of flavors of audits and investigations.
    I spoke to one of the AG deputies about whether or not our non-profit was represented by a rep from their vast resources when going up against the AOA who have their very own AG deputy (As does DNREC,. DelDOT etc…).
    I was told no, we don’t .
    I asked about Beau and whether he had followed through on his campaign promise to fill that gap. Just as Beau Biden did, Ferris Wharton had run on the promise to find a way for the common citizen to have a matching opportunity for public defense against an issue they might want to bring against a state entity. As everyone may recall, Rick and Gerry held the bullhorn on the need for an Inspector General to fill that need. The Republicans and Tom Wagner felt that they should circumvent that with more power for the Audit of Accounts and worked on accompanying legislation.
    Well, the woman on the phone with me from the AG’s office told me that Beau Biden had drawn up the legislation as promised but that it was held in COMMITTEE. (I can’t even assume it was held in the then GOPer House, now can I?).
    I told her that, well then, maybe it has a chance to go forward this session and she didn’t laugh with derision….thank goodness.

    Truth is, if Beau Biden is symied in the legis with his good ideas gone afoul of the old guard, you can’t blame him can you?