Delaware Liberal

On Gun Control

It was on this date in in 1993 that H.R. 1035, the Brady Handgun Violence Prevention Act became law even though it was fought against every step of the way by the NRA. So what gets the gun freaks all worked up of the Brady Act? Waiting periods and background checks. Well la di da. I’m sure we’ll hear the usually arguments that any gun control legislation is the beginning of a slippery slope. My response is that is a path I am willing to take. Next we’ll hear that “guns don’t kill people” and “if the outlaw guns, then only outlaws will have guns”.  Let’s pass some tough gun control legislation and see what happens. I’m all for the Americans for Democratic Action’s gun control propoals which I include here.

A comprehensive ban on the sale of assault weapons.

Prohibiting concealed weapons.

Stricter gun registration requirements, including a lengthening of the “cooling off” period before the purchase of guns.

Holding adults legally culpable for selling or furnishing guns to minors.

Holding adults legally culpable if, because of their negligence, a handgun or other firearm is used by a juvenile to commit a crime.

Strenuous enforcement of existing handgun laws.

So as the gun control lunatics argue about that their rights will be trampled on, remember the two that died in Toys R Us the other day and the eight-year old who shot his father.

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