Archive for November, 2008

It all ties together if you read this book…

Filed in National by on November 25, 2008 8 Comments
It all ties together if you read this book…

Turkmeniscam: How Washington Lobbyists Fought to Flack for a Stalinist Dictatorship This is the first book I read on the train so far.  It educated me just a we bit on how lobbying works with regard to those country’s that always seem to have dictators lopping off its’ citizens heads yet still traveling to the US […]

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The Turkey Slaughter Was No Gaffe

Filed in National by on November 25, 2008 5 Comments

At Daily Kos, Bill in Portland Maine is known as a satirist, but I think he gets this 100% correct when talking about Republican “code” and “dog whistle” politics. The thing was too staged to be an accident. So what about Sarah? She was using a sophisticated unspoken code last Thursday. Her mouth was saying, […]

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Conservatives are a joke

Filed in National by on November 25, 2008 6 Comments

This is total bullshit: Paulson said key markets for consumer debt such as credit cards, auto loans and student loans essentially came to a halt in October. He added the new programs are aimed to get lending back to more normal levels. Credit cards? CREDIT CARD DEBT? Are you kidding me? Our country is now […]

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John Atkins? or just a constituent?

Filed in National by on November 25, 2008 3 Comments

Man with child in car charged with another DUI

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Guerilla Radio

Filed in National by on November 25, 2008 1 Comment


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What to Buy for the Conservative Man on your Christmas List

Filed in National by on November 25, 2008 8 Comments

Do you struggle with gifts for the Conservative man in your family?  I mean, how many Red sweaters, scarves, and socks does one guy need?  Forget about Red.  Why not move onto Red Hot? The new “Pretty In Mink” calendar is the perfect gift for the guy in your life who still believes Sarah Palin […]

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I have to constantly remind myself that I am not normal.

Filed in National by on November 25, 2008 19 Comments

When I read any News Journal article, like this one, over the past few weeks concerning speculation over Biden’s replacement, each article always contains two assumptions that I find maddening: 1) that Biden could have been appointed to fill his father’s Senate seat, and 2) that no one knows who will run for the Senate seat […]

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Airing my dirty laundry

Filed in National by on November 25, 2008 34 Comments

FU bitches…I’m no quitter! So, yesterday my daughter was sick and needed a ride home. Here are the text messages that followed 12:59 PM from Exviti WHAT THE HELL IS GOIN ON W #3?!? Are you planning on getting her from the nurse or what?!? (I didn’t reply, I was trying to get her a […]

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Ask Dr. Liberal

Filed in National by on November 25, 2008 17 Comments

From the tipline we read… Dear Dr. Liberal, My college junior son is bringing home his Dutch exchange student girlfriend for Thanksgiving. That is fine with me since Holland is far away and Thanksgiving isn’t a holiday in the land that the pilgrims left. My problem is that he seems to be under the impression […]

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Deep Thought of the Day

Filed in National by on November 25, 2008 10 Comments

As a child of the 60s and 70s, I never understood news reports or movies and TV shows that told of people hiding their life savings under their mattress or in the wall. Now I do.

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On The Curse of The Bambino

Filed in National by on November 25, 2008 5 Comments

Back in July 1978, the Boston Red Sox had a 14-game lead on their hated rivals, the New York Yankees. In what had to be one of the greatest collapses in baseball history, the Red Sox had to play the Yankees in a one-game playoff in Fenway Park. Down 2-0 in the top of the […]

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Earn It

Filed in Delaware by on November 24, 2008 13 Comments

I’ve met John Carney. I like John Carney. Carney’s going to get my support (speaking for myself only) for any office that he runs for. And this is Delaware, so I’m betting that Carney’s not going to run against the Biden name, even though I hope he will (assuming that Beau indeed runs for Senate […]

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Question of the Nite

Filed in National by on November 24, 2008 7 Comments

Why did Joe Biden decide to start out his Vice Presidency by giving himself a black eye?

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