UPDATED: Confirmation that the voters made a bad choice

Filed in Delaware by on December 1, 2008

Update: Karen Weldin Stewart consented to be interviewed by Allan Loudel on the afternoon drive time newscast. To describe the interview as a train wreck for KWS is an insult to train wrecks.

I’m sure we will wake to find that car crashes spiked in NCC at around 5:06 pm when our Insurance Commissioner Elect opened her mouth.

This from the tip line:

Karen Weldin Stewart’s transition team is a collection of bipartisan scumbags.
Tom Gordon is serving on three committees including amazingly “fraud”

I checked and the tipster is right. Tom Gordon is a featured player on the KWS transition team. Doesn’t that make you feel all warm and squishy inside?

As for the rest of the team being a collection of bi-partisan scumbags – I have no idea.


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Jason330 is a deep cover double agent working for the GOP. Don't tell anybody.

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  1. The Mourning Constitution » That J Semper? | December 2, 2008
  1. Unstable Isotope says:

    I wondered what Gordon was up to. Is he hitching his wagon to the KWS-star?

  2. Miscreant says:

    “Tom Gordon is serving on three committees including amazingly “fraud”

    From a practical standpoint, how can anyone fault her for appointing one of Delaware’s most preeminent experts on fraud?

    Yes sir, “warm and squishy” just about sums it up.

  3. Cold and squishy sounds more like how I feel about it.

  4. kavips says:

    I am excited that watchdogs in Delaware now have something really cool to watch…

    Warning: they had better not stray……….

  5. John Tobin says:

    Is there anywhere online where the public can view the list of her transition team members?
    I checked the State of Delaware website and her campaign website and could not find it.

  6. mike hunt says:

    You had Gene Reed and John Brady….and you selected her. In this office of real importance…she should become the poster child of an appointed insurance commish, just like the bank commish, a regulator not a politician. First went the banks, now the insurance companies, what next????

    I know, property tax rate increases. School Tax increases. Personal Income Tax increases, and that’s just to make payroll. Add in all the extras that the Liberal tax and spend Dem’s love, and we become any town in NJ. You got what you asked for.

    The next four years ought to be fun for the “loyal opposition”.

  7. anonone says:

    Gordon was a victim of a politically-motivated prosecution by the blatantly politicized Bush Department of Justice. Gordon could have taken out Castle.

  8. Miscreant says:

    “Gordon was a victim of a politically-motivated prosecution by the blatantly politicized Bush Department of Justice. Gordon could have taken out Castle.”

    Exactly how far was your head up your ass before you found those little pearls of wisdom?

  9. anonone says:

    After a multi-year multi-million dollar investigation, Gordon pleaded guilty to two misdemeanor counts of failing to provide accurate tax information. I am sure that if the government came after you with such zeal they could probably do the same thing to you.

    So, you tell me why they would spend millions to prosecute misdemeanor counts of failing to provide accurate tax information. And we know that the Bush-Gonzales justice department was a acting as a wing of the repub party.

  10. jason330 says:


    You are my main man, but we part ways when it comes to Gordon.

  11. anonone says:


    You and my wife. 🙂

    My main point with Gordon is that we’ll never know if (or how) he was truly corrupt because of the incompetency and blatant politicizing of the Bush justice department that was prosecuting him.

  12. liz says:

    Anonone! I’m with you…course Chris Coons never saw a property tax hike he didnt like, more coming! Buyers remorse already if you live in NCC.

  13. anonone says:

    From tonight’s news a case in point:

    Treasury Department investigating US Attorney for leaking state Supreme Court Justice’s tax returns

    “Dunnica Lampton, the US Attorney for the Southern District of Mississippi, is already under investigation for allegations of political prosecutions in his state. According to new documents viewed by Raw Story, Lampton allegedly shared the private income tax records of then-Mississippi Supreme Court Justice Oliver E. Diaz Jr. with the Mississippi Commission on Judicial Performance and with one of its then-commissioners, his distant cousin Leslie B. Lampton.”


    The alleged crimes of Gordon pale in comparison to the crimes of the repubs.

  14. Joanne Christian says:

    Does every one get a “transition team”?

  15. jason330 says:

    I know. How much do these teams cost anyway?

  16. Joanne Christian says:

    Did you ever bring a “team” with you when you started a job? Shouldn’t it just be a few inservices, and then get to work, and do what we hired you to do?

  17. jason330 says:

    I never had a team help me start a new job.

    If I had the resources of a newspaper, I’d do an expose about these teams.

  18. Joanne Christian says:

    My thoughts exactly…but why can’t DeLib do the expose?–you guys do the breaking stuff anymore!

  19. Gharmon says:

    He is a sleaze ball and ran this county into the drink. We are paying now for his self serving ways. Liz is still drinking the Kool-Aid too. Way to go Karen!

  20. jason330 says:

    More from the tip line…

    The list:

    Consumer service: F. Faterni & S. Hansen
    Fraud prevention: T. Gordon & J. Semper
    BERG: C Mulholland & J Howard
    Market Regulation: S Kinion & M. Minkowitz
    Captive Insurance: J DiPinto, G Kenton & B Willis
    Admin/Financial: S Phillips, D Kempski, JJ Davis, B Willis
    Legal: D Gouge & J Elzufon
    IT: K Carroll & T. Gordon
    Liquidations: C Mulholland & S Phillips
    Industry Stakeholders: B Willis, T Gordon, G Kenton, S Kinion
    NAIC Accreditation: S Kinion
    Swearing In: J Harris, D Kempski, E Jacobson

  21. cassandra m says:

    Have mercy — how big is this department, exactly?

    And what the heck is Tom Gordon going to know about IT?

    Gordon got very lucky in drawing a cranky and lazy judge. And the silver lining in his decisively losing to Coons is that the residents of NCCo aren’t faced with paying for all of Gordon’s promises in his effort to buy up votes. An effort that would make Coons’ proposal look like the change in your sofa.

  22. liberalgeek says:

    I wonder if that is Chuck Mulholland from the SNCCA?

  23. George says:

    Eric Jacobson?

  24. Mark H says:

    As an IT worker I kinda wonder: WHY DO YOU NEED A TRANSITION TEAM FOR IT? And why am I not on it 🙂

  25. Coons bought plenty of votes. A lot of people came to Gordon early on promising their support and then used that as leverage to force Coons to give them what they wanted. I am not at liberty to write names but call me if you want an off the record listing.
    Then there are all of the individuals who were bribed with the promise of jobs…there is even one divorce on record because of Coons people convincing one of the couple to stop supporting Gordon (this couple was very active at public meetings in the Glasgow area) greased by the promise of a job. There is a tape recording of this meeting, the bribe and the pressure on the other person to go along.
    Most people with any real knowledge of Coons understands that he is a big disappointment insofar as being a petty, backstabbing tyrant at county hall.
    You people show your idiocy in these remarks about ‘transition teams’ as if a few inservice days are sufficient to take over the level of complexity of such a position. Unreal.

  26. P.I. says:

    Diane Kemski is also on the team…anyone remember her? She’s the one who continued to take a paycheck after her elected position had been dropped. She’s a real peach! Ran for Council President and was shocked when she didn’t win.

    I understand KWS may not be able to take her seat based on 3 judgements against her that may prevent her from being bonded….a necessity in order to be a ‘receiver’. Can’t believe people actually elected her. It was without my vote!

  27. Jason, where is all of the screaming about Markell having a ‘team’?
    /Cherry picker snot nose.

  28. Gharmon says:

    Nancy, you continue to amaze with your web of conspiracy! Get over it already.

  29. RSmitty says:

    Captive Insurance: J DiPinto, G Kenton & B Willis

    WTF does Bruce Willis have to do with this?!?!

    Sorry, couldn’t help myself 😛

  30. RSmitty says:

    Confirmation that the voters made a bad choice

    I blame loyalty (straight-line) voting for this one. A great reason as to why I despise that mentality.

  31. J Semper? Is that the same Jerry “Doc” Semper that ran and lost in the 39th? You know, the one whose campaign handed out unintelligible campaign literature printed off an inkjet printer and misspelled his campaign signs? Even the ones that were made by his own campaign? (Seriously, they were printed 8×11 sheets of paper taped to cardboard and nailed to a stake)

    That J Semper got a government job as a reward from the Democratic Party? As fraud prevention next to that guy y’all are talking about?

  32. anon says:

    LOL, listen to all the GOPers who are shocked- shocked! that a Delaware Republican lost an election.

    It is no surprise that most voters didn’t do detailed research on the individual candidates. Just as in every election, voters voted on party affiliation, gender, name recognition, or just throwing darts.

    If Brady ran as a Democrat he would have won, and that would have been fine with me.

    If Brady is so committed to Republican principles that he just had to run as a Republican – then he deserved to lose. Because I don’t want Republican economic theory governing my insurance, and apparently nobody else did either.

    All things being equal, voting Dem is always the better choice for an insurance regulator. Now in this particular case, it may be that all things were not equal. But you guys didn’t make that case. I didn’t see any serious GOPer money or boots behind the Brady campaign. So voters were left to vote based on branding, and that’s what we got.

  33. FSP says:

    People like anon are how we get the government we have in Delaware.

  34. anon says:

    Listen, nobody knows the backstory on Brady.

    All most people know is that he belongs to the party of deregulation, corporate laissez-faire voodoo economics, and social intolerance. Delaware got nauseous thinking of that philosophy watching over the rapacious insurance companies.

    You and I know that Brady is better than that – but why would you expect anybody else to know that, apart from a few political junkies?

    His campaign consisted of “I’m fat.” The proposed platform was skimpy, so we had to go on trust.

    Nobody from the GOP helped explain things any better.

  35. FSP says:

    Like I said.

  36. Geezer says:

    This clears up at least one thing: why the News Journal endorsed KWS. The Ron Williams-Tom Gordon connection is a gift that just keeps on giving.

  37. anonone says:

    People like FSP are why we have the mess in country.

  38. Geezer says:

    Anonone: Astute as you usually are, you are wrong about Gordon, unless your standard for ethical behavior is based on “whatever’s legal — and what isn’t legal we’ll make legal.”

  39. anon3 says:

    Then there are all of the individuals who were bribed with the promise of jobs….

    Hey Nancy, what job are you getting in the Insurance Commissioner’s office? Painting? Customer Relations Liason? LOL. Suckers. This woman is a fraud. She’s a stooge. The department goes down in less than 2 years on corruption and incompetency charges. Have a nice day.

  40. Brian, I haven’t met Mr. Semper. Could it be that the flyer you received was a typical Sussex County Goperfuck ploy as in the infamous “pink postcards?” It appears to be a fake. I will do some inquiring.

    I would wonder how anyone could draw up a better document to disuade the voting public if they had tried.

  41. Heh, is that Tizzy or Ger hiding under the anony?

    Brian, you are showing your age and ignorance:
    “That J Semper got a government job as a reward from the Democratic Party? As fraud prevention next to that guy y’all are talking about?”

    A transition team position is considered an honor. As in it is an honor to serve under the dignitary-elect….as a volunteer.
    These are not ‘government jobs’, son.

  42. Geezer says:

    Why is anyone surprised that someone whose career consisted of a patronage job would turn out to be employer of last resort for a bunch of people whose careers consist of patronage jobs?

  43. The flyer wasn’t a pink postcard thing, it came with a Semper info card that was professionally printed.

    I didn’t know it was a volunteer position. I didn’t know any gov’t positions were voluntary, seems you never hear of them.

  44. RSmitty says:

    …Swearing In: J Harris, D Kempski, E Jacobson…
    (later comment)
    Eric Jacobson?

    No, Elliot Jacobson, as in her campaign manager. Really, nothing wrong with this. I’d expect he would have a role. On the Tom Gordon part, tho, in the news article, Elliot basically suggested to shoo away any controversy. Kinda reminds me of when he threatened to sue the blogosphere through Brian’s blog, just before the election.

  45. Unstable Isotope says:

    I had serious reservations about KWS – I think a lot of us here did. I couldn’t bring myself to vote for Brady for some of the reasons that anon listed but I was really put off by the whisper campaign he was running against KWS while trying to keep his hands clean. It just reminded me of Rove so I had to vote against him.

  46. RSmitty says:

    Consumer service: F. Faterni & S. Hansen

    Stephanie Hansen?

  47. jason330 says:


  48. FSP says:

    “It just reminded me of Rove so I had to vote against him.”

    How’s that workin’ out for ya?

  49. El Somnambulo says:

    El Somnambulo understands that the genius behind the Jerry Semper campaign was (barf bags ready?) Richard Korn. Seriously!

    BTW, El Somnambulo has learned exclusively that Karen Weldin Stewart’s male staff will be required to wear Roman gladiator attire.

    Gordon was going for dress-blues and handcuffs but She Who Must Be Obeyed drew her nightstick…

    BTW, is that F. Faterni or Effin’ Attorney?

  50. RSmitty says:

    Stephanie Hansen?


    Since when was this department about land development?

    😛 😆 😀

    hee-hee I slay me.

  51. I wonder who is spreading this gem around so that it hits all the tip lines…..Coonsie Baby!!

    Before anyone hits the wall, there is a member of this transition team that got off because of pressure from Coons. What kind of pressure, I wondered? Was the pressure a threat to deny the person work from the county if they were working on a team with Gordon? Could be…
    KHN was threatened in a very public place that ‘she would go down for working with Gordon’ (this was by the Paoli brothers in the DE City Parade for God’s sake).
    I heard about this person’s leaving the team last week and it was linked to Coons. And now this strategic anonymous sneak media attack. I guess that the attack was planned in advance. I guess that it was planned and that the person who left KWS’ transition team was told that the attack was coming.
    Coons is a sick fuck.

  52. jason330 says:


    What’s your take on the fact that Stephanie Hansen is on the transition team?

  53. Al Mascitti says:

    KHN would go down for working with Gordon? That’s rich. As if she couldn’t fail on her own shortcomings…

  54. anon says:

    Nancy Drew, you really solved this one! How did you do it? Snicker…..

  55. cassandra_m says:

    After sharing an office with Gordon during the primaries, KHN could go down because she is working with Gordon? That bypasses the fact that KHN went down pretty much on her own accord and that no one in the Dem establishment cares enough about her to threaten her in the first place. Way to just make stuff up Nancy.

  56. Big Al weighs in with his magnificent comprehension intack – NOT. By the way, Al, way to conduct more Coons propaganda hour yesterday. All Coons no calls…such a busy guy, such a rip off. He made several whoppers and nary a editorial comment from you, just slurp slurp. Sheesh.

    I never said for a second there was a causal relationship dear Cassandra. Please brush up on your reading comp skills before you set out twist what I say to satisfy your mind-set.
    You know as well as I do some of the insider crap that was going on with KHN’s camp that would have brought her down with or without TG.
    So, try again.
    The story is a true one. The brothers P. did in fact scream terrible things at her near the judges booth in DE City. They were asked to apologise to her as well by some fairly high level party people and I understand that they did so.
    You peope will come off of your Coons cloud one of these days.

  57. liberalgeek says:

    I see, so they said bad things because Chris had cast a spell on them, but later… after the spell wore off, they apologized.

    We know that you blame Coons for everything, but you haven’t addressed this transition team. Any take on Stephanie Hansen?

  58. What’s your take on the fact that Stephanie Hansen is on the transition team?
    I don’t know much about Stephanie outside of having observed her when she participated on Common Cause/Clean Air’s Citizen’s Solid Waste Council and the fact that she hooked up with a major corrupto and they seem to be angling to run your part of the county, Jason.

    She certainly is an accomplished lawyer with a broad background in environmental issues stemming from her stint on DSWA and NCC Council. Her bio has been distributed by KWS on the actual transition team listing which is now posted:

  59. Disbelief says:

    Ron Williams just called you guys “nitwits”, literally: http://www.delawareonline.com/article/20081203/OPINION05/812030313/1004/OPINION

  60. I see, so they said bad things because Chris had cast a spell on them, but later… after the spell wore off, they apologized.
    No, sir Geek. The Paoli brother were asked by the Kent County Party Chair to make nice pretty much immediately after their despicable public display. You know, the Paoli Nello who is making over 100K per annum for driving Coons around and his brother, Jim, who somehow secured the NCC Party Chairmanship and who allowed Coons to run his campaign out of the Basin Road offices.

  61. Heh, the wit nits of DE Liberal vs wRong Willie of the WNJ.
    Smack down.

  62. anon says:

    Ron even made up a quote from you guys! And he courteously didn’t mention the name of the people he was calling nitwits.

    The good news is, Ron will not be affected if any fact checkers are laid off.

  63. El Somnambulo understands that the genius behind the Jerry Semper campaign was (barf bags ready?) Richard Korn. Seriously!


  64. liberalgeek says:

    Ron even made up a quote from you guys! And he courteously didn’t mention the name of the people he was calling nitwits.

    That is a quote from one of our commenters. Ron’s still trying to figure out how this new-fangled computer thing works, so I guess we can forgive him for not understanding the difference between a blogger and a commenter.

  65. anon says:

    You are clueless and factless as always–oooh they yelled at her! Someone should investigate! So sad.

  66. anon says:

    That is a quote from one of our commenters.

    Well, Ron must be more astute than I, because I couldn’t find that quote from either a blogger or a commenter . Williams:

    The intellectually constipated bloggers were beside themselves because Gordon was “getting a high paying job in the fraud unit of the Insurance Department,”

    At any rate, even if the quote was real, it would be an example of cherry-picking. Because the point isn’t whether Gordon is paid or not, it’s his very presence on the transition team that is at question.

  67. liberalgeek says:

    hmmm. Perhaps the exact quote doesn’t match wRong’s. Maybe he is testing out his new-found freedom from fact-checkers…

  68. anon says:

    It’s more than a mistake, it is real dishonesty.

    wRon’gs whole point hinges on his made-up quote, which even as a paraphrase, doesn’t accurately describe the point made in the DL post.

    I guess that is why he did not name DL, so nobody could check up on him.

  69. jason330 says:

    New thread upstairs.

  70. wRong’s point was the one that Brian Shields wrote on his blog after freaking out about your slant on Gordon here. Ron didn’t limit his blogger bashing to y’all Delly Libbers.

    …oh wait, you Dellies don’t bother to read the ‘lesser’ blogs much. Fact check that. Brian did write it on Mourning Constitution. Brian is a blogger.

  71. anon says:

    wRong’s point was the one that Brian Shields wrote on his blog

    Nope, Ron’s fake quote wasn’t there either.

    And Brian’s mistake about trans team members being paid wasn’t about Gordon, and wasn’t even the main point of his post.

  72. Geezer says:

    Nancy: You might want to wipe that Keith Lake off your jeans before you start in on those who aren’t as easily snow-jobbed as you are.

  73. jason330 says:

    Wait Geezer. Nancy is saying that there is no harm done since Gordon is unpaid and this is not a step in the direction of him getting a job.

    (I wonder if Gordon knows that?)

    As for the made up quote anon – Nancy and Williams must think it is okay because it contains “truthiness.”

  74. Geezer says:

    When Nancy brings her allegations of Coons’ wrongdoing to authorities, I’ll cut her some slack. Until then she’s just another stooge for Tommy G, Harris McDowell, KWS, KHN, Keith Lake — anybody who snows her. Her problem is she can’t tell when she’s being lied to — oh, and her childish penchant for making up nicknames instead of backing up any of her gossip with actual evidence.

  75. cassandra_m says:

    Post of the Day, Geezer!

  76. Say what you will about Nancy, Geezer, but the nicknames are classic!

  77. Gharmon says:

    Well said Geeze!

  78. Well, I must say that when one is told things in confidence….one has to keep at least one lip zipped.
    I can bring anyone to the people I refer to and let them make their case. I can’t drag, you know, the horse and make him drink…

    I’ll forgive you your ‘slip’ there Geezy, but advise you stay off of PSA lest you embarrass yourself.

  79. Post of the Day, Geezer!
    oohhhh the kiss-butt Dellie Queen Cass!
    These pols and this party are so sacred to you wanna bes it isn’t healthy, children.

  80. pandora says:

    Geez, Nancy. What is your problem?

    And, if what you say is true – that you were told things in confidence – then you shouldn’t be posting “hints” all over the blogosphere. It’s disloyal and unethical. If it’s not true… well, I’ve already had this conversation with Liz.

  81. cassandra_m says:

    Nancy doesn’t know jack about loyalty or ethics, Pandora.

    And apparently is fluent only in adolescent name calling. If you don’t have anything, then say that. Otherwise, we all know you are lying.

  82. Jason, I was in a hurry to get out of the house this morning but perhaps the quote wRong was citing was on the WNJ comments of yesterday’s article, you know, the one without the snide header:

    Dellie ladies…..swoon.
    So lovely,
    not so couth.


  83. liz says:

    What a bunch of idiots and fools. There is no pay for being on the “transition team”, and he is not seeking a job….what a nightmare based on crazy, lunatic fringe, rumor mongers ever ready to pounce on any person they dislike without any facts whatsover. You should all be ashamed.

    And to Nancy: still having those secret, illegal meetings, still trying to destroy PSA, we got a surprise comin for you girl.

  84. jason330 says:

    Yeah. Liz I have a pressing meeting on planet earth, so I’m going to go ahead and pass on commenting on your comment.


  85. Joanne Christian says:

    So Jason, who did you vote for?

  86. jason330 says:

    I’m a reformed straight ticket voter.

  87. Joanne Christian says:

    What’s another word for SALVATION!!!!?

  88. liz says:

    Jason: blame yourself for voting straight D…get real with yourself.

  89. Geezer says:

    John Brady lost by a large margin. I don’t think Jason deserves much blame there.

  90. Joanne Christian says:

    You know what–I may not be understanding intent here. But reformed alcoholic (don’t jump-I know it’s recovering), prisoner, or prostitute–usually means they have gotten away from their previous known pattern. I think Jason may have alluded to he did vote for Brady. Comment rescue Jason? Before this post hits #100 and you are hung in effigy by the Aflac duck?