Delaware Liberal

I Am A New Social Conservative

It’s time for liberals to take back this brand called Social Conservatism.

What you know of Social Conservatism today should be called what it is, Social Bigotry.

Social Bigotry is about opposing same sex marriage, anti-choice, imposing one’s morality on others, instituting “family values” — what ever that means —, and the opposition of secularism.

The New Social Conservatism is about not cursing in front of your children, not shoplifting or not driving drunk just because you feel okay. It is showing up to work early and leaving late. It is not taking undeserved write-offs on your taxes; it is about voting the straight party line; and it is about holding the door open for others. The New Social Conservatism is trying really hard not to exceed the speed limit and not flipping off the guy that “accidentally” cut you off. It is saying “Please” and “Thank you”. The New Social Conservatism is to follow the teachings of spiritual leaders. It is practicing recycling so that you may leave this world better place than you found it, practicing what you preach, and helping out your fellow man. This is the New Social Conservatism.

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