Delaware Liberal

Radical Right’s Rumination: All Things Barack

Not content to cower in the corner licking its wounds after the devastating November Election and plotting its future path to the right of right, the Radical Right continues to growl and snap at everything President-Elect Obama does.

After returning the ever-so-creepy Saxby Chambliss to the US Senate, the new Right-wing hubub is that Senator Clinton is ineligible to become Secretary of State due to the “Emoluments Clause” of the US Constitution. Judicial Watch, who broke this “story”, call themselves “a conservative, non-partisan educational foundation” leaving out the fact that their distaste of the Clintons is as strong than Jason’s disgust of all things Republican. This is a total non-issue that will be worked out by the US Senate as it has been done in the past, like during the Nixon Administration.

I wonder what tomorrow may bring.

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