Remember the days when one wasn’t supposed to discuss Religion and Politics in polite society? Just like announcing how much you paid for something, it was considered tacky. I sorta miss those days. But, since the 1980s, not only has a person’s spiritual beliefs spilled into every social setting known to man, it has shaped our politics, and politicians, into something I’m increasingly uncomfortable with.
First, let me say, that this post is not intended to bash anyone’s faith. Quite the contrary. The intent of this post is to ask why people of faith aren’t outraged with the way politics, and politicians, pimp their faith in order to generate votes. Think there’s a Roe vs. Wade litmus test? Well, that test pales in comparison compared to the “Do you believe in God”, “How important is faith in your life”, “Do you attend church” tests applied to modern day politics.
And there’s the rub. These questions have nothing to do with faith, and everything to do with getting elected. The fact that this I’m more devout than my opponent game is played on both sides of the aisle offers little comfort. It also cheapens religion, which, I always believed, should be above politics – And I’m agnostic! But perhaps it’s my lack of belief that allows me to watch what’s happening with a clinical eye.
And it’s ironic that the truly “devout” Jews, Christians, Muslims, etc. I have encountered in my life never discuss their beliefs. They don’t wear their religion with the ease of a campaign button – easily put on and removed as the situation warrants. They live it. These are not people who’s first instinct is to condemn, but rather to understand. These are people who would never cast the first stone, let alone the second. And, these are the people I try to remember when politicians and activists hijack religion in the name of their political agenda.
You want to call yourself Pro-Life? Fine, but I expect you to be pro all life. I expect you to fight against the death penalty and war with the same vigor you fight against Planned Parenthood. I also expect your concern for the fetus to extend to the child. And if this isn’t possible, then I question whether your devotion is to God or a political agenda.
Against Gay Marriage? Well… first, you’d better not be divorced. Second, are you fighting for a Constitutional Amendment banning divorce? If not, why not? I mean… if this is really about the sanctity of marriage shouldn’t you be doing everything in your power to keep marriage, well, sacred?
Against welfare? Consider most of the poor lazy bums who simply won’t work? Believe in the old Pull yourself up by your own bootstraps adage? Do these sentiments really jive with your religion’s teachings? Funny, but I seem to recall that this group figures quite prominently in all religions. In fact, if memory serves me, Jesus spent most of his time talking about and helping those less fortunate.
My point boils down to hypocrisy. I don’t even blink anymore when a religious “leader” or a “family values” politician gets caught in a compromising situation, especially since they’ll repent within a year and get re-reborn. It’s like magic. What ever happened to shame and living the rest of your life in quiet repentance? This is a classic case of ego. It’s as if these leaders believe they’re entitled to the “get out of jail free” card (they deny others) because they’re important and desperately needed. Do as I say, not as I do… because there are dire consequences for you and a profitable resurrection for me.
I want politics out of religion, and religion out of politics. I want opening prayers out of political events, and I want political advertising out of the pulpit. Guess that sounds extreme, but I think when we mix religion and politics both sides lose their souls.