Question of the Morning

Filed in National by on December 5, 2008

Do you think Al Levin will put Tom Capano on his transition team?

About the Author ()

Jason330 is a deep cover double agent working for the GOP. Don't tell anybody.

Comments (12)

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  1. Dorian Gray says:

    Delaware humor.

  2. Joanne Christian says:

    No, but maybe Bill Lee.

  3. I don’t see the problem with it. He could do it from his cell. He wouldn’t get paid either, in fact it would give the guy a way to take his mind of off things

  4. jason330 says:

    How about ex-Smyrna Mayor Mark Schaeffer?

  5. are you allowed to answer your QOM with another Qom?

  6. Rod says:

    This is a joke. Right?

  7. jason330 says:

    Maybe. You never know in Delaware where people think Tom Gordon would be a good choice to be on a transition team.

  8. Unstable Isotope says:

    What job would Capano hold on the transition team?

  9. jason330 says:

    Advisor on Job Creation: Courts & Corrections

  10. Disbelief says:

    I’m waiting for Mike Harkins to surface….

  11. George says:

    The real question is, why are transition teams the new black?

  12. Unstable Isotope says:

    I was going to suggest Public Safety.