Delaware Liberal


I know Jason already partially discussed wRong Williams’s column on Wednesday, but Jason missed the real lead in that column.  No, it is not about Carney running for “federal office” in 2010, and no it is not about wRong Williams’ “unseemly sucking of Tom Gordon’s ***k.”

No, the real story is that we bloggers are getting under his skin:

The roving bands of Tom Gordon bashers have once again resurfaced, as uninformed and bigoted as ever.

The occasion that spurred the ignoramuses was the announcement by Insurance Commissioner-elect Karen Weldin Stewart that Gordon is on three of her transition team committees, including one that will review and make recommendations about the department’s fraud unit.

The intellectually constipated bloggers were beside themselves because Gordon was “getting a high paying job in the fraud unit of the Insurance Department,” even though the transition team — as is the case with virtually every transition team — is an honorary, bipartisan, unpaid position.

…But try telling that American judicial logic to nitwits.

Hehehehe.   We are a roving band of Tom-Gordon bashing ignorant intellectually constipated nitwits.   I’ll admit that I was contipated on Thursday and Friday, no doubt a side affect of traveling and not eating right.   But I digress.   When they go out of their way to insult you four times in four paragraphs, you know you are doing something right.

Hey wRong, I am glad you survived the round of layoffs at the News Journal for purely selfish reasons.  It gives me something to write about.   But I wonder if it makes much business sense.   I mean, when your paper is dying, doesn’t it make sense to remove the diseased tumor rather than Sports department?

Mr. Williams, I will admit that Tom Gordon was not convicted of the racketeering and public malfeasance charges.   But there is a difference between being acquitted and being innocent.   Mr. Gordon may not have criminally guilty, but he is ethically challenged.   He carries with him a cloud of suspicion and a unhealthy pride in the old Delaware Way of doing business.   The reason we are upset, or “intellectually constipated,” is because his presence on KWS’ transition team means she is not at all interested in changing the old Delaware Way, or is in someway indebted to him.   It means she considers Gordon to be a close advisor.  And it might mean that she wants Gordon to serve in her Insurance Department.   Care to place a bet on that wRong, that Tom Gordon will serve in the Insurance Department in an official, paid and partisan capacity?

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