QOTD: Sundays in Wilmington

Filed in Delaware by on December 7, 2008

I live in downtown Wilmington, where almost everything is closed on Sundays. Things I know that are open:

  1. The Exchange
  2. Washington St. Ale House
  3. McDonald’s on 4th
  4. Dunkin’ Donuts (but only until like 2pm)

Also, for the month of December only, the Happy Harry’s on Market will be open. We went there today and we were the only ones in the store. People just aren’t used to the idea of having anything to do on a Sunday around here, I guess.

So help me (and our downtown readers) out – what else in downtown Wilmington do you of that’s open on Sundays? Note: Trolley Square and 202 do not count as “downtown”.

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About the Author ()

X Stryker is also the proprietor of the currently-dormant poll analysis blog Election Inspection.

Comments (25)

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  1. cassandra_m says:

    Does the Riverfront count as Downtown? The Delaware Center for Contemporary Art is open on Sundays.

    This is a good question, we were just talking about a place to go for Brunch today before heading out for the Gordon Parks exhibit. I think the Ale House is the choice.

  2. cassandra_m says:

    Also the grocery store and Rite Aid on 4th St (Adams 4) is also open on Sundays, but neither are very fun.

  3. pandora says:

    This has always been a problem. We live on the other side of the Brandywine, about 10 blocks from the Ale House. It would be great if downtown business put together a weekend promotion designed to draw people into the city.

  4. George says:

    I’ll tell you what I *wish* was open on Sundays – PureBread! I love that place.

    ING is open on Sundays. snark.

  5. xstryker says:

    The Bagel place on Market used to be open on Sundays, but then they weren’t, and now they’re closed. Which stinks because it was the only good bagel place in the entire state (don’t argue with me, I’m from New York).

  6. Joanne Christian says:

    Aren’t they doing brunch in the Green Room anymore?

  7. FSP says:

    “Which stinks because it was the only good bagel place in the entire state (don’t argue with me, I’m from New York).”

    You’ve obviously never been to Surf Bagel in Lewes. Best bagels I’ve ever had (don’t argue with me, I used to own a bagel bakery).

  8. George says:

    Of course the Republican would mention the Green Room!

    Just kidding. They do and it’s delicious, though not as good as it used to be…

  9. Joanne Christian says:

    Uh George? They let you in?
    Just kidding….and I never complain if someone else is cooking! And cleaning up!

  10. Joanne Christian says:

    xstryker-can’t you just lay low and take a Sunday nap? It really is a welcome alternative for some of us.

  11. Dominique says:

    Agreed, FSP, Surf Bagel rocks.

  12. Truth Teller says:

    How about a tip for today.

    Have you ever locked your keys in you car??

    Well if you have and you have a set at home call your wife or husband on their cell have them get the spare hold your cell next to the door on your car and have them press the unlock button on the keys at home while holding them close to their cell. Tried this on both our cars and it really worked.

  13. I guess I’ve got to do this again in response to Truth.

    Click here

  14. Joanne Christian says:

    Are you sure men in white jackets won’t be called on me?

  15. Truth Teller says:

    MIKE M

    After reading your attachment i drove both cars out of range of the remote which i tested to make sure they were not in range and guess what it worked on both of them there was a slight delay. but it worked the Van is a 2000 and the Dodge is a 2005 don’t know if this has anything to do with it but they both worked

  16. Joanne Christian says:

    By the way xstryker–just woke up from that Sunday nap!

  17. xstryker says:

    Joanne, now that you’re well-rested, perhaps you’ve realized that… how shall I put this… some of us like to rest on Saturday instead.

    And some of us don’t really take a day of rest at all, but if we chose to, it would be on Saturday. And that we find being forced to do so on Sunday to be incredibly frustrating and demeaning.

  18. cassandra_m says:

    A few other possibilities — the Delaware Theater Company has matinees on Sunday in season. Right now, they’ve got Picasso at the Lapin Agile, which is by Steve Martin.

    And both Harry’s Seafood Grill and Iron Hill are open on Sundays around noon or so.

  19. Joanne Christian says:

    x-sounds like somebody missed their Saturday rest.

    So what are you really looking for eats, or activities?

  20. xstryker says:

    Cass – I rather like that play, but the last time I saw DTC do a comedy that I’d seen performed elsewhere (The Complete Works of Shakespeare Abridged), I found the performance somewhat lacking. If it weren’t for the cost, and increasing economic worry, I would consider giving them another chance, because it really is an enjoyable and funny play.

  21. xstryker says:

    Either will do, Joanne.

  22. Joanne Christian says:

    x- Hagley Museum, and the Delaware Art Museum have hours on Sunday.

    Also, if the Playhouse (DuPont Theatre), has a show running, there’s generally Sunday shows.

    I usually work Sundays, but won’t now until January (yea!), so my weekend to do list for students is elsewhere, but I will try and hunt it down and plug you in. Do you have access to transportation, or are you committed to city limits?

  23. pandora says:

    I think what frustrates X is what frustrates most city residents. One of the best things about city living is the ability to do things without getting in a car. That’s why Sunday in town is so depressing.

  24. cassandra_m says:

    Here is another item I can’t believe I forgot — Theater N is typically open on Sundays. The tickets, popcorn and drinks are cheap. No multiplex fare though — mostly the kind of stuff you see running at the Ritz in Philly. The theater itself is pretty comfortable, but not quite as plush as the multiplex, tho.

  25. xstryker says:

    I wish Theater N had more than one showing per day.