Irony…example # 2,300,204.5B

Filed in National by on December 8, 2008

The U.S. Army is looking to private contractors to provide armed security guards to protect Forward Operating Bases in seven provinces in southern Afghanistan.

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hiding in the open

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  1. Badmon3333 says:

    What a shockingly horrible idea.

  2. I wonder how long it will be before the security guards need security guards

  3. RAY K> says:

    The hessions are making a comeback, I am decendent from a hession soldier, They wwhere offered 40 acres of land by the continental congress to defect to washington`s army and my great great great great grandfather took them up on the offer as did thousands of other Germans. So taking a lesson from history, private security people can be bribed. Not that anyone would want 40 acres there, but you get my point.

  4. Why are you surprised?

    I was pretty sure this would be the only way to pull troops out of Iraq on the surface… to pay other people to do the same job.

    It’s the best of both worlds. You get the troops out of Iraq, you shed responsibility, and you get to keep your commitment to Iraq.

    That’s not my opinion, though. I think we should just ditch and run and let the vacuum implode on itself.

  5. anonone says:

    How ironic on the day that 5 of BushCo’s contract killers were indicted.

  6. liz says:

    There are still more Blackwater Goons in Iraq than soldiers. Five of the six contract killers indicted were former soldiers. Mercenaries (hired killers) are paid as much as $150,000 a month…thats some pretty good payoff in a downturned economy.

    Hallibrutal just got another lawsuit, this one from shrapnel in soldiers food! 1500 soldiers died in the Spanish American war from tainted meat. The meat company was Armour, hence the FDA. Now that the Bush regime has destroyed that agency, we have no clue what we are eating every day, China’s leftovers!