We won in Iraq…we can go home now

Filed in National by on December 9, 2008

When an Ally Turns on You

I love that we have several thousand readers a day and the links get clicked on about 12x’s a day. It says you aren’t reading what we are linking to. Most likely the links are being clicked by our own writers. Sad, people, very sad.

What I like most about this though is that the buffoons like Sharon, Dana, Burris, Art, Miscreant etc., don’t read what we post, they just blindly argue their point.  Tom S reads what we write I think, but he still argues the point or changes to a different point when he is proven wrong, which we often do to him and the rest of you. 

So if you think the occupation of Iraq is winding down and we are dotting the “i’s” and crossing the “t’s” prior to leaving, don’t read the above article, it may shatter your fox fed delusions of grandeur.

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hiding in the open

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Sites That Link to this Post

  1. Outside The Perimeter: Chicago Edition « kavips | December 10, 2008
  1. nemski says:

    Great post DV. And I’m not reading the link.

  2. Jason Z says:

    Not reading the link…if your readers are so awful, why have a blog? I’d just write on bathroom stall doors if I were you. Oh yeah, I’m glad I’m not you and I’m still not reading the link.

  3. if your readers are so awful, why have a blog?

    glad you aren’t me? You must have read my “airing my dirty laundry” segments. I’m glad you aren’t me either. I have a hot wife that puts up with my bullshit

    why does the guy in NYC scream about the bible if no one listens to him?


  4. pandora says:

    You should read the link. It’s a powerful story. Now where’s my gold star, DV?

  5. miscreant says:

    That was a powerful article, indeed.

  6. Disbelief says:

    If you guys can see what we click on (or don’t), I’d like to have an opportunity to explain my browser history before judgment is made.

    sometimes the mouse just slips, you know?

  7. Unstable Isotope says:

    I thought we accomplished the mission in May 2003. That’s what Bush said!

  8. liberalgeek says:

    Dis, we just see a number of people that exited the blog to each of the links. But really, what’s up with the octopus porn?

  9. Didn’t click the link.

    I know whenever I get linked in a post here I get roughly 50-100 refferals from it. Mostly those were hot topics though.