What Republicans Like: The Down-Low

Filed in National by on December 9, 2008

The Down-Low first originated in the African-American community to name the activity of married black men who have sexual relationships with the other men in a hidden, clandestine way. The term “on the down-low” has been co-opted by the white community to mean, well, the exact same thing. Let’s look at some Republicans on the down-low.

Florida State Representative Bob Allen was arrested and convicted in 2007 for soliciting am undercover male police officer for prostitution.

Arrested on the same day as Allen, Senator Larry Craig had a penchant for a wide stance in a bathroom.

In 2007, a Spokane newspaper report that Washington State Representative Dick Curtis had a relationship with a male escort and that he liked to wear woman’s clothes under his suit.

ABC News reported that Congressman Mark Foley like to email Congressional male pages a little to frequently and a little too erotically. Foley resigned in 2006.

Ted Haggard, a prominent Evangelical leader, liked to snort crystal meth before performing his husbandly duties to his wife and, oh yeah, he like male escorts as well. After several years of such activity, this all came to a screeching halt in 2006.

Just saying.

About the Author ()

A Dad, a husband and a data guru

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  1. Dana says:

    Well, now, wait a second! Isn’t it us evil Republicans who are supposed to say that these guys are wicked, are sinners, are going to burn in Hell? You liberals are supposed to tell us, in the Seinfeld formulation, NTTAWWT (Not That There’s Anything Wrong With That).

    Some of us smile with amusement at the hypocrisy of our friends on the left who are supposed to be oh-so-tolerant being the first to condemn homosexuality when such is useful against a political opponent. 🙂

  2. Unstable Isotope says:

    I can’t imagine what it must be like to live so deeply in the closet. It must be extremely stressful.

  3. Unstable Isotope says:


    We’re not intolerant of GLBT people and we don’t condemn. I’m certainly a live and let live kind of person. We don’t like hypocrites who pass laws to limit their rights while doing those same things themselves. I feel sorry for them, actually, except for the ones that are predators (like Foley).

  4. Joanne Christian says:

    Well thank you for today’s PSA on the low down of the down low. Can’t wait for the update on gigolos, and cougars.

  5. Truth Teller says:

    It’s not that we are against gays it’s that we hate Hypocrites. Thank god that dem’s always seem to get in trouble over women.

  6. nemski says:

    Truth Teller, if you want to got mano-y-mano regarding sexual hypocrisy, I’m ready for it. This is a battle the Republicans will lose.

  7. Dorian Gray says:

    It’s always been my preception that religion and “traditional values” intensify the natural human feelings of guilt and self-loathing. I think that has a lot to do with it. TT – standard infidelity is unforgivable to me but this closeted homosexual stuff is not even in the same ballpark. The “conservatives” think that same sex relationships are “sin” and shouldn’t be recognized by society. Except they kind of dig it though…

  8. Mike Protack says:

    Let’s see, how about cigar etiquette in the White House or blue Dresses?

    The guy who replaced Foley was doing 3 at once.

  9. Say it with me Protaque.


  10. miscreant says:

    “Can’t wait for the update on gigolos, and cougars.”

    Unlike “down-low”, I don’t believe those terms are derived from African-American slang. But Donviti is probably the expert on these things, because he says he has some black friends.

  11. miscreant says:

    “Let’s see, how about cigar etiquette in the White House or blue Dresses?”

    Don’t quote me, Protack, but I believe Miss Manners said something about not wearing dark clothing while blowing a President.

    As always, I could be wrong.

  12. Clay Davis says:

    Mike – Framed that way you’re right, it’s all bad behavior. But, you really don’t see the difference between say that scumbag John Edwards apologizing in shame and “conservative” Larry Craig pretending he’s not really gay or bisexual? C’mon Captain P, don’t be daft.

  13. xstryker says:

    Unlike “down-low”, I don’t believe those terms are derived from African-American slang. But Donviti is probably the expert on these things, because he says he has some black friends.

    What are you suggesting, Mis? That DV’s “black friends” “probably” make him an “expert” on “gigolos and cougars”? Or are you disputing the origin of the phrase “down-low”? Or are you mocking him for using a phrase with an African-American origin? What is it that you are trying to get at?

  14. Dana says:

    In the meantime:

    Sen. Craig loses bid to withdraw guilty plea
    His lawyer had argued evidence of soliciting sex at bathroom was lacking

    MINNEAPOLIS – Idaho Sen. Larry Craig has lost his latest attempt to withdraw his guilty plea in the Minneapolis airport men’s room sex sting that effectively ended his Senate career.

    A three-judge panel of the Minnesota Court of Appeals on Tuesday rejected the Republican’s bid to toss out his disorderly conduct conviction.

    Craig still has the option of appealing to the Minnesota Supreme Court, and he said Tuesday he was considering future options.

    Of course, I’d rather have a senator trolling restrooms for blowjobs than a governor under arrest for trying to sell a senate seat.

  15. miscreant says:

    “… are you mocking him for using a phrase with an African-American origin? What is it that you are trying to get at?

    As if it’s any of your fucking business, I am absolutely mocking him because he stated, on the radio, that he made a lot of “black friends” while in the Navy, which I found to be a bit condescending, and almost as if it gave him some *street cred* (look it up).
    Relax, DV and I are homies.


    OK, next stupid question… ?

  16. I even married a native american!

    getting me some casino money!

  17. MJ says:

    Ah, our republicraps trying to call us out because we out hypocrites wh0 vote against our rights yet troll the black forest in DC for a quickie blow job. It’s so amusing.

    Here’s another one for your list – a well-known southern senator, one of the House prosecutors of President Clinton, who not only votes against gay rights legislation, but has his domestic partner serving as his chief of staff.

    Yep, Dana, you’re intollerant and a hypocrite as well. Then again, we don’t expect anything less from your type. Maybe you should use some of that “common sense” you blog about to call out the closet cases who vote to discriminate every chance they get.

  18. MJ says:

    For clarification – the black forest in DC is a part of P Street Beach (a small park) that is used by closeted republicraps and other married men to hook up for sex.

  19. Joanne Christian says:

    “closeted republicraps” in the black forest?
    which part of the woods is habitat for the “bearded democrud”? Oh, and those “other married men”–are they just sorted in the parking lot? Move on MJ, this clandestine crap dots the landscape of the country, eew, and I bet some aren’t even registered voters!

  20. MJ says:

    I’m was referring to your vaunted and esteemed GOP hatemongers who love a good blow job or to get buggered and then go back up to The Hill and rail against equal rights for gays and lesbians. These are the same ones who voted against ENDA and supported DOMA. You need to get a grip Joanne and stop commenting on things you know nothing about. It would serve us all well and spare us your endless dribble.