Delaware Liberal

What Republicans Like: The Down-Low

The Down-Low first originated in the African-American community to name the activity of married black men who have sexual relationships with the other men in a hidden, clandestine way. The term “on the down-low” has been co-opted by the white community to mean, well, the exact same thing. Let’s look at some Republicans on the down-low.

Florida State Representative Bob Allen was arrested and convicted in 2007 for soliciting am undercover male police officer for prostitution.

Arrested on the same day as Allen, Senator Larry Craig had a penchant for a wide stance in a bathroom.

In 2007, a Spokane newspaper report that Washington State Representative Dick Curtis had a relationship with a male escort and that he liked to wear woman’s clothes under his suit.

ABC News reported that Congressman Mark Foley like to email Congressional male pages a little to frequently and a little too erotically. Foley resigned in 2006.

Ted Haggard, a prominent Evangelical leader, liked to snort crystal meth before performing his husbandly duties to his wife and, oh yeah, he like male escorts as well. After several years of such activity, this all came to a screeching halt in 2006.

Just saying.

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