Delaware Liberal

GOP Mad-Libs: Response to Scandal

The investigation continues regarding [name of person], who [is from the same state as / served on a committee with / once played basketball with] Obama. Obama is not implicated in the investigation, nor has he been accused of any wrongdoing; he stated that he was unaware of what [name of person] had been up to. However, the GOP was quick to grasp at straws pounce nonetheless.

“The serious nature of the crimes listed by federal prosecutors raises questions about the interaction with [name of person], President-elect Obama and other high ranking officials who will be working for the future president,” said Rep. Eric Cantor of Virginia, the new GOP House whip.

As to what questions it raised, Cantor hadn’t the foggiest, but he was really hoping he would come up with some.

Added Robert M. “Mike” Duncan, chairman of the Republican National Committee, “President-elect Barack Obama‘s comments on the matter are insufficient at best.”

 Duncan also noted that, as RNC chair, he felt that all of Obama’s comments regarding any situation were “insufficient at best”, and suggested any future comments would also be regarded as, at best, insufficient.

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