Impeach the Bastard

Filed in National by on December 10, 2008

When wiretaps are legally and constitutionally obtained, they are devastating evidence.  Yes, Blago is innocent until proven guilty, and I will enjoy seeing what kind of defense he will put on, but come on.   It is his voice we hear and read spewing more swears than Dick Nixon ever did.   There is no real way Blago can claim innocence

The attorney for Illinois Gov. Rod Blagojevich said the governor will be vindicated and he has no plans to resign.

“He didn’t do anything wrong,” attorney Sheldon Sorosky told reporters after Blagojevich was arraigned. “A lot of this is just politics.”

Blagojevich should be in the office Wednesday, Sorosky added.

So, reporters asked, he does not intend to resign?

“Not that I know of, no,” said Sorosky, who added that the governor was “surprised” by the day’s events.

So this narcissitic corrupt bastard is going to drag us all along on one final ego trip.  With this news, hopefully the Illinois State Legislature will do the right thing and impeach and convict.  Hey 90’s Republicans, this is what impeachment is for.   This is a high crime and misdemeanor.   This is malfeasance in office.

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  1. El Somnambulo says:

    The Blagovator has Menendez Brothers’ hair.

    No further proof of guilt is necessary.

  2. Unstable Isotope says:

    Illinois will be much better off with him gone.

  3. anon says:

    I wonder how many archives of recorded conversations – recorded legally or not – exist on all elected officials a la J. Edgar Hoover… just waiting for the green light to prosecute, or used quietly to coerce political results. That would certainly explain the Reid Senate.

  4. The Blagovator has Menendez Brothers’ hair.
    Close resemblence to the Palin mop top; too close.

  5. Geezer says:

    I think the hair is based on his love of Elvis (no joke).

    Why is it that Gordon apologists don’t feel the same way about the tapes of him that they do about Blago’s?

  6. arthur says:

    He is a typical politician. All they want is to get lected so they can get their hands in the cookie jar. Future like scenarios: Karen Weldin Stewart, Mike Protack.

  7. Justice must be Blind says:

    Geezer // Dec 10, 2008 at 8:53 am

    I think the hair is based on his love of Elvis (no joke).

    Why is it that Gordon apologists don’t feel the same way about the tapes of him that they do about Blago’s?

    Geezer you really have a hard on when it comes to Tom Gordon. Did your wife leave you for him? Seriously your blind hatred is so obvious!

    Since you asked the question regarding Gordon tapes versus Blagojevich tapes, why don’t we analysis the facts, not your delusions, but the facts.

    1. For two years Gordon was investigated by Colm Connolly. The only things Connolly and Fitzgerald share is they are Irish, Catholic, and were appointed by Bush as US Attorney.

    2. Fitzgerald is widely respected as a hard-nosed ethical US Attorney. Fitzgerald was appointed to the Chicago USA position, not through political patronage (not denigrating USA selection based on who you know, that’s how 99% of USA are selected), but because the Bush administration couldn’t find anyone in normal GOP circles who wanted the position. Mary Jo White (former Bush and Clinton USA recommended Fitzgerald)
    3. Fitzgerald has not filed politically motivated cases, or novel charges that had never been filed before. And when he’s filed charges, or obtained an indictment, he didn’t include irrelevant information to damage the defendant. The same can’t be said for Connolly.
    4. Fitzgerald has not tried his cases in the press. Unlike Connolly, who leaks information, much of it false, or at a minimum no evidence was ever produced in a Court hearing or trial to back up the claim. During the Scooter Libby/Karl Rove investigation the Washington media went nuts due to the lack of leaks.
    5. Fitzgerald respects the Constitution and the rights of the accused. There was no footage of a prep walk of either Blagojevich or John Harris yesterday morning, because the media wasn’t alerted in advance. I’m no fan of Sherry Freebery, but when Connolly executed a search warrant on her home, years before bringing charges, he called the press in advance. That alone tells you the type of person, and prosecutor, Connolly is.
    6. You refer to the tapes. Unless Geezer is really Connolly, which I doubt, I suspect it’s Al M., or a member of the Grand Jury (which would mean you’ve violated the grand jury oath, which is a crime) then Geezer has not heard any of the actual tapes. They weren’t played in any open Court proceeding, they were not quoted from in Court orders, and it would be a violation of the law for someone outside the grand jury, USA office, or defense counsel to have heard the FBI tapes prior to the Court releasing them. So unless Geezer is really Connolly (which if you are get to work polishing up the resume!), or a former Grand Jury member (committing a federal crime by discussing grand jury testimony) then Geezer has no actual knowledge of anything on any of the tapes. Connolly has claimed that the tapes would prove A,B & C, however, given Connolly never even attempted to prove A, B, or C in any open Court proceeding, (be it a pre-trial hearing before the Court, or trial) and he, Not the Court, dismissed all charges concern A,B, & C, and no Court ruling (go look at the Court file) affected Connolly’s ability to put on any evidence (Connolly has spread false lies, easily disproved by looking at the actual Court file, that the Court had ruled certain evidence was inadmissible making it impossible/difficult to prove the charges- – this is a flat out lie that Connolly wants the public to believe, so that people don’t question why the charges were brought and then dismissed) anyone who accepts that the tapes had evidence of actual crimes, as opposed to embarrassing conversations about others (think about it, how often have you said something less than flattering about someone you work with), is allowing themselves to believe that Colm Connolly had the ability to publicly destroy Tom Gordon with actual evidence in Court, and decided not to do so. If you believe that, you either don’t know Colm Connolly, or you, like Geezer, have blind hatred where Tom Gordon is concerned and evidence be damned.
    7. Finally with respect to the Blagojevich tapes v. the Gordon tapes. To date no one other than those mentioned above have heard the Gordon tapes, and only the USA’s office in the Northern District of Ill., and the Court has heard the Blagojevich tapes. Portions of the Blagojevich tapes have been transcribed and relevant portions of conversations (relevant to the charges, not interesting gossip) are set out verbatim within the body of the compliant. The same can’t be said regarding Connolly in the Gordon matter. Connolly merely claims tapes state this or that. At that stage of the criminal process the prosecutor isn’t required to provide any supporting evidence, however Fitzgerald provides the transcript. In addition Fitzgerald has a record that can be trusted. In the Libby case the transcript excerpts were played in Court, the transcripts in the Libby indictment proved accurate. Connolly not only paraphrased in his indictment what he claimed the evidence was, and failed to provide a transcript. Connolly never provided any proof that his paraphrasing was true. And as Geezer knows, Connolly’s indictment contained at least one allegation that was not only irrelevant to any of the charges against Gordon, but was highly inflammatory. Connolly claimed that after the women who Chris Roberts sexually harassed complained to Gordon, that Gordon “fondled” the women etc. The women told TNJ that this was completely false, that she had told Connolly before testifying before the Grand Jury, and during her Grand Jury testimony that it did not happen. She said she told Connolly and then the Grand Jury that Gordon treated her compliant seriously and respectfully, and never came on to her. After the TNJ reported the fact that the women claimed that Connolly’s allegation was a complete lie, and Connolly knew it, did Connolly bring charges against her? No. Did he claim she changed her story? No. Connolly just ignored the fact that he was publicly called out for knowingly including a false (and disgusting) allegation about Gordon in his press release and indictment. Given the credibility that Fitzgerald has, and given the lack of credibility Connolly has, coupled with his dumping every single felony charge against Gordon as trial approached, anyone who blindly accepts that anything Connolly said about Gordon, but Connolly choose not to prove, doesn’t care about the truth, or justice, they just care about revenge against Gordon (whether for personal or professional reasons) regardless of whether Gordon committed a single crime Connolly charged him with. That is pathetic!

  8. Thing is, impeachment is not necessary at this point. The state legislature has the power to determine that the governor is unable to discharge the duties of his office, and the lieutenant governor then becomes the acting governor until the legislature determines that the elected governor is capable of resuming his duties. That action could be accomplished much more quickly, if the governor does not either resign or initiate the acting gubernatorial provisions in the state constitution voluntarily.

  9. pandora says:

    What? No limerick, Avenger?

  10. For Pandora:

    Illinois could go and impeach Rod
    Take months to get rid of the clod
    When it is so simple
    To deal with this pimple
    Have the Court give Pat Quinn the nod