I can honestly say I’m ashamed to be an American

Filed in National by on December 15, 2008

Bush, on May 24, 2004, described what happened at Abu Ghraib as “disgraceful conduct by a few American troops who dishonored our country and disregarded our values.”

In a May 18, 2004, interview, Bush told an Iraqi journalist: “I want to know the truth, too. . . . [Y]ou’ve just got to know that I’m interested in the truth, as well, just like you’re interested in the truth.”

Where is the outrage that the President of the United States was found to have been the one that issued the OK to torture?

“The fact is that senior officials in the United States government solicited information on how to use aggressive techniques, redefined the law to create the appearance of their legality, and authorized their use against detainees. Those efforts damaged our ability to collect accurate intelligence that could save lives, strengthened the hand of our enemies, and compromised our moral authority.”

yawn, boring….

I don’t think I can say there will be another time in my life where I am as dissappointed and ashamed as I am right now. I am stupified at the fact that this news was released on a Friday and we haven’t heard shit about it. Nothing. Silence.  But sure, some dude who I wouldn’t know if I hit him on I-95, drove away and was never prosecuted for it, isn’t going to be a Chief of Staff….woopdie do. 

Does anyone realize that there are a few ENLISTED folks sitting in jail right now because they were rogue soldiers acting alone?  The face of Torture, Private England was a scapegoat. It was just proved Friday. Yet, nothing. This is a sad day in American history. Sad. I would ask you all to stop and think about this for a second or maybe read the link, but why bother. There is no point, you are just coming here because you have a few extra minutes to kill during work hours and want to see if FSP or some other blowhard are dissembling talking points that belittle your intelligence and make the Republicans look like heroes.

It’s sad, trust me.

What bothers me most is how the minions under Bush all get used and cast aside, disposable heroes was never a more appropriate term.  The people doing time I believe one, just one of them was an officer and I think it was a female.  To me an enlisted person represents the blue collar person in this country.  The person that graduated highschool and didn’t have college.  They are the laborers, the back bone of the military and our country.  Yet, gee who got fucked the hardest while Bush was in office.  The enlisted folks with their 15 month deployments (don’t bother to think about that either, 15 month tours)  and now over the past couple of weeks the unions are yet again under attack. 

Disgusting, yet we have people, ones that comment and read over here, that have been part of the reason this stuff happens.  It’s sickening to me, my head get’s heavy from walking around knowing our economy is going to shit, and our president has just been accused of torturing people…and no one will do a god damned thing about it.  

Why bother?

Just like anything else though, The lies to war, the outing of Plame, torture, the Florida elections, Katrina, 9/11, Minneapolis bridge collapse, the Bailout, the mortgage crisis, all those things will be blamed on someone else.  Then three years down the road the truth is found out and you, the pathetic bunch of shitty citizens that you are will play the it’s his/her fault, nothing will get done, Castle, Carper etc. will get re-elected and we start the cycle over and over and over again.  It is maddening beyond belief.  No one does anything.  Everyone was fine when they were selling their houses for $100k more than they paid for it 2 years ago.  Everyone is fine with a few war crimes and torture when they can have a Plasma TV, new car, new granite counter tops, new Ipod and new shoes.  Who cares….woooohoooooo.

So now, our President has been found to have authorized torture, a few enlisted people are in jail.  The President flat out lied, LIED when he it was a few “rogue soldiers” that did this.

“In May 2004, just after the pictures from Abu Ghraib became public, Deputy Secretary of Defense Paul Wolfowitz said that the abuses depicted were simply the result of a few ‘bad apples’ and that those responsible for abuse would be held accountable. More than seven months later, then-White House Counsel Alberto Gonzales testified before the Senate Judiciary Committee. Asked about accountability for detainee abuses, Gonzales said ‘we care very much about finding out what happened and holding people accountable.’ Neither of those two statements was true.”

ahhhh Who gives a shit really. Go back to work, please you fucking disgust me.

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hiding in the open

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  1. anonone says:

    Not to mention how many of America’s enlisted now risk being tortured when captured by America’s enemies because of this. If America can ignore the Geneva convention, why can’t anybody else?

    Why do the repubs hate our troops?

  2. Kilroy says:

    “I can honestly say I’m ashamed to be an American”

    What about being a Delawarean re: Ruth Ann Bush Minner?

  3. The stage is set. The facts are laid bare. Goddamn this motherfucker needs to be prosecuted.

  4. are you sure? do you want to toe the middle on this one 🙂

  5. anon says:

    Deep thought: If that shoe had actually hit Bush and he got a bloody lip, the MSM would have created sympathy for him and his approval ratings would actually have gone up.

  6. LOL, I only tow the middle when you fools are so far out in lala land that you don’t make any friggin’ sense, which is where you are on the media issue.

    As far as hating Bush, I’m still right on the front lines there.

  7. oh, sorry if I over reached on the media. I assume on your agenda tonight you will be covering it…

    Media coverage of the president authorizing torture…check!

  8. How’d you know? The only thing that will be missing is a call-in from husseinsquishy!

  9. Kilroy says:

    “As far as hating Bush, I’m still right on the front lines there.”

    So what happens when Bush is out of office ? The Left of Left of Left rejoin the real world in Delaware and put Markell’s feet to the fire Re: open government and financial transparency of our public schools?

    You guys sound like a bunch ostriches with their heads in the sand talking out your assholes.

    I loss some good friends because bailing out on the Delaware GOP! I now realized those on the extreme left and those on the extreme right are one in the same!

    Big fucking deal Randy broke the story today because you guys just keep beating a dead horse called George Bush! Randy is a professional whereas you guys are still living in the days of the BBS!

    I guess when he is gone you’ll turn on each other! Will Jason be an outcast becasue he looks like Newt?

  10. Kilroy,

    Don’t get all crazy on me. I will be attacking Obama and Markell just as well if they are the failures on scale with George Bush. As much as the sycophants here at DeLib may disagree, I’m pretty sure Obama going to be fouling up quite frequently. It’s only natural for all leaders. The difference between me and them is that I won’t act like a cheerleader or blame the “right-wing MSM” when Obama fucks up.

    It’s called consistency and I think that’s the only fair way to do it.

  11. pandora says:

    George Bush is not a dead horse. He’s still the President, and very busy with everything but the economy. I won’t take my eye off him. There are soldiers (Lyndee et al) in prison for following orders.

    BTW, posting on national issues doesn’t show a disdain for local politics… and I don’t tell you how to run your blog or what posts to write.

    These last Bush days and all that has transpired during the last 8 years are vitally important. Discount them at your own risk.

  12. I’m still focusing on the current idiot. Jan 20th, O will get plenty from Viti.

    but for now, we only have one president.

  13. pandora says:

    Mike, praise has more standing when it’s delivered by someone else. Just sayin’. 😉

  14. DHB,

    When are we going for drinks? My place or yours?

  15. assuming I don’t have a job Jan 1st I will be hanging out with Maria if she wants me, we can have a beer on the radio

  16. Umm, are you DHB?

    Bitch please…your ass was voted out!

  17. pandora says:

    Drinks? That’s the magic word! But… please, not Bullseye.

  18. Kilroy says:

    “Drinks? That’s the magic word! But… please, not Bullseye.”

    I thought D’s like drinking with the working class! LOL

  19. Kilroy says:

    Mike Matthews
    “Kilroy, Don’t get all crazy on me.” Not you !

    “The difference between me and them is that I won’t act like a cheerleader or blame the “right-wing MSM” when Obama fucks up.”

    That’s true , you call it as it is! Nice to see people in the middle rather than being lap-dogs!

  20. Kilroy says:

    Pandora BTW John Carney’s brother is part owner of the Bull’s Eye! He has two families to feed now~

  21. Unstable Isotope says:

    Bush is still relevant. Unfortunately he’s still president and we’ll spend the next generation cleaning up his messes.

  22. Miscreant says:

    “You guys sound like a bunch ostriches with their heads in the sand talking out your assholes.”

    HA!! Stop the press! That was perhaps the most accurate and appropriate description of the contributors on Delaware Liberal that I have ever read. Good visual, Kilroy.

  23. I thought you hate GWB, miscreant? Shouldn’t you be agreeing with the post of Donviti’s? Or do you condone torture?

  24. Miscreant says:

    What part of my post suggested that I don’t think Bush is still an asshole? I was simply commenting about Kilroy’s brilliant description.

    Torture? Don’t knock it unless you’ve tried it.

  25. David says:

    Kilroy is right as usual.

    You are doing your bait and switch again. Abu Ghraib had nothing to do with intelligence nor did it have anything to do with keeping us safe. It wasn’t touture. It was perversion. It was not authorized by the government and served no value. Aggressive interogation is completely different and you are being dishonest as usual to equate them.

  26. cassandra_m says:

    As usual, David doesn’t even read the articles to know exactly which of the latest GOP rationalizations to throw on the table.

    Froomkin summarizes a report that discussed detainee abuse not just at Abu Ghraib, but also at Gitmo and all of the secret rendition sites. That report finds that the abuse was not rare and the result of a “few bad apples” — it was systemic and specifically overseen by BushCo.

    And it was authorized and directed by the government. Which means, David, your party has been lying to you again.

    The fact that they’ve been torturing is a fact and it is an abomination. With any luck, George Bush and his minions will find their way into Judge Guzman’s chambers in Spain.

    The only dishonesty here, David, is yours — for continuing to believe every damn thing these people tell you, in spite of all evidence to the contrary.

  27. Unstable Isotope says:

    The torture started at Gitmo and Bagram (Afghanistan) before it was exported to Abu Ghraib.

  28. kilroy says:

    I just confused as shit! Delaware Liberal is great especially Baby Newt Jason! But you guys are not what I call mainstream democrats! Sure you bust on George Bush and Mike Castle but I think you’re trying to cover you scent as you are so far left you’ve come full circle and act like fucking arrogant Republican. Minner is a first class George Bush cluster fuck by dare you criticize her! Markell is dicking around picking his cabinet! For Christ sake we’re only a state with 850,000 people and 27 million chickens. It’s like you’re 5 year old throwing stones at the Sun and they keep hitting you in the head and you don’t have sense to stop throwing the stones.

    I am an asshole with less education then any of you but I engage legislators left and right speaking my mind! I file complaints with the Auditor’s offices and help expose some of Red Clay bullshit. I file complaints with the USDOE OIG on possible misuse of federal education funding! I meet face to face with my adversaries!

    Such talents here that can help shape Delaware for the betterment of all people but yet you guys live in some fucking political bubble enjoying the smell of your own farts!

    I broke ranks with the GOP as the Chair of the 19RD, a Delegate and member of the State GOP Committee because Delaware particularly public education is an important issue for me. The crap I was through at Copeland was because I believed in him and he left me hanging confronting Red Clay. Some of you are no better than him! He and I communicate and he sent me a Christmas card.

    Now I’ve had knives to my throat and guns in my face so if anybody want fuck with me one on one bring it on!

    Randy Nelson has his shit together and you guy play in your own shit like a bunch of fudge packers.

    You’re jealous of Burris and Matthews because they have taking blogger to the next level! Burris is more center to the issues than all of you combined! Have any of you filed complaint with your party about Adolf Adams asking that he be thrown out of the senate for impersonating a human being?

    Bunch of clueless cluster fucks acting as if the world axes are centered on your opinions! So if you reached this part of my rant I have one thing to say you’ve been punked LOL!

    Have a Merry Christmas and remember how blessed you are that George Bush is retiring!

  29. liz says:

    For God Sakes: Bush, Cheney, Rummy, Rice et al were locked in a room at the White House conjuring up a variety of torture techniques they all approved. It started in the White House!

    Over 200 lawsuits have been filed against Rummy by Iraq and other middle eastern countries for torture and abuse.

  30. liz says:

    Kilroy: Ruth Ann Minner is a dispicable witch. How dare she take a trip to the Virgin Islands with 6 staff…the witch is cutting programs and services yet has the nerve to attend a “leadership conference” a few days before leaving office. Some one needs to do a FOIA on that witch and force her to reveal how much of our dough she has spent on these idiotic trips to Europe etc, and what were the results. How many jobs were created, how many companies moved here? Get the total amount and send a her the freakin bill…Pay up Witch.

  31. kilroy says:

    “Some one needs to do a FOIA on that witch and force her to reveal how much of our dough she has spent on these idiotic trips to Europe etc, and what were the results”

    No FOIA, Markell needs to make some excutive orders and delivery this state and government back to the people. Minner is everything to Delaware as Bush is to America! Minner trips are nothing more than her sticking her ass in our faces! But the Ultra Left will protect her and kiss her ass! Bashing Bush is just a diversion from facing the truth!

    “A government out of control is only a reflection of the people not in control” Kilroy 2008

  32. xstryker says:

    Killroy seems to be too busy ranting to notice the total absence of support for Ruth Ann Minner on this blog. But hey, if making us out to be the bad guys floats your boat, whatever.