Dear Dr. Liberal.
I just received a question addressed to Dr. Liberal, and normally Jason answers these, but since Jason has been wholly acquired by Mike Matthews, so I will answer.
Dear Dr. Liberal:
I’m confused about who Mike Matthews voted for in the race for Delaware Insurance Commissioner. He keeps on saying he voted for John Brady and degrading anyone who voted for Karen Weldin Stewart.
To me this smacks of Republican Senators decrying homosexuality and then going to a public bathroom for a quick, anonymous tug.
Dr. Liberal, what do you think.
– In the Adjoining Bathroom Stall
Well now Adjoining, there is no confusion. I do believe Mike Matthews voted for His Holiness, John Paul Brady the Great. There is simply no evidence that he voted for Savage or KWS. It would have made more sense, given Matthew’s annoying independent streak, if he had voted for Savage, but alas, I do believe he voted for Brady. Thank you for your question.
Jason has been wholly acquired by Mike Matthews
Are you really, really, really sure he didn’t vote for KWS?
No, Matthews is a genuine annoying independent who believes Brady is most divine thing God has created since Star Wars. He voted for Brady.
How exactly does Matthews et al expect Brady would have handled the PCI meeting differently?
The meeting itself was bad form. It is impossible to say what Brady would have done, but it might be instructive to see what past Ins Comish’s did?
Did Matt Denn ever meet with these guys and promise them a seat at the regulatory table? Did Donna Lee Harpster? I don’t know I’m asking.
To answer my own question, after a bit of googleing it looks like Denn spent more time meeting the PCI in court than it did meeting with them over cocktails.
PLease note that Denn is representing Delaware consumers and PCI is representing fat cat Insurance robber barrons.
The more I think about KWS and this meeting, the more it REEKS.
OUT: Dave Burris
Is that what you’re saying Rock?
OUT: Insurance watchdog
IN: Insurance lapdog
Good one UI!!! I wish they would repost that “list” to the front, as these new revelations unfold!
You know what’s funny? All this wrist-wringing over the candidate you purchased (without fully availing yourself of her opposition, mind you). And I get to still say I didn’t vote for her.
Keep making up Dr. Liberal questions. I think they’re a hoot!
I swear I did not make this up. Somebody no doubt is. But we all receive these anonymous emails, and I think they are funny.
Anyway, I did not purchase KWS. I voted for her. Her opposition was a Republican, and that brand was enough to repulse me, much in the same way I will never by a GM car, but they suck, and they have a reputation for sucking.
Well then if the email isn’t made up, then I love that your readers really give a damn what I think. The minute they stop talking about me is the minute I know I’ve got to give up this blogging thing.
Great. Now I boosted Matthews’ ego. Just what Delaware needs.
Meh. If he saw some of the unpublished email he wouldn’t be feeling so boosted right now.
Sure I would. Even if it’s attack-mail, I always feel boosted. Like I said, the minute they stop talking about you (whether good or bad) is the minute you have to pack it up.
Ah, but Mike, what if the unpublished mail doesn’t mention you at all?
KWS is shameless. Starting her questionable dealings with insurance interests before she’s even sworn in. She’ll let them have whatever they want. For sale to the highest bidder.
is today the official PICK ON MIKE day? Did I miss the memo? Where will we meet for drinks afterwards?
You should have said that earlier!