Delaware Liberal

Markell Stands and Delivers

I got a chance to stop by the Jack Markell town hall meeting this evening.  I did’t get to spend much time there, but heard Liz Allen and Carol Overland speak.  It was a pretty frank discussion on the state of the State and what options we have fiscally.  It is going to be somewhat ugly, but thank skydad that we have a smart guy taking over from Broom Hilda in January.

There were a number of discussions on where we could cut with the least pain and where we could restructure the revenue in a smart way.  I’ll quote Liz Allen on this:

I thought it was a really good meeting. And Jack was on time. People offered from very good suggestions on saving money. I like Jack! I watched him very carefully and listened intently to his answers.  At least he has made himself available and truly appeared to care about everyone’s issues.

I guess the question is how long until the Republican snipers start taking shots at Jack and his level-headed ideas.

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