Markell Stands and Delivers

Filed in Delaware by on December 16, 2008

I got a chance to stop by the Jack Markell town hall meeting this evening.  I did’t get to spend much time there, but heard Liz Allen and Carol Overland speak.  It was a pretty frank discussion on the state of the State and what options we have fiscally.  It is going to be somewhat ugly, but thank skydad that we have a smart guy taking over from Broom Hilda in January.

There were a number of discussions on where we could cut with the least pain and where we could restructure the revenue in a smart way.  I’ll quote Liz Allen on this:

I thought it was a really good meeting. And Jack was on time. People offered from very good suggestions on saving money. I like Jack! I watched him very carefully and listened intently to his answers.  At least he has made himself available and truly appeared to care about everyone’s issues.

I guess the question is how long until the Republican snipers start taking shots at Jack and his level-headed ideas.

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  1. jason330 says:

    High praise from Liz.

  2. So what were the ideas?

  3. Kilroy says:

    “High praise from Liz.”

    Yea and the hell with Kilroy stand up requesting he make an excutive order odering full financial transparency of public school finances including DOE!

    Place was packed and a lot of good idea! He pretty much realizes that the people have the right to see how “their” money is being spent!

    We can blame Bush for sure but Minner was a cluster fuck and Markell is going to get stuck with her bag of shit! It unfortunate the state worker grunts won’t be seeing even a cost of living increase!

  4. Shoe Throwing Instructor says:

    How long before they start sniping? right away if Obama`s an example.

  5. liz says:

    Kilroy: how about we give a cost of living raise to the most vulnerable in our State. They havent had a cost of living raise since 2003. I think the State workers with their full health insurance pensions etc, aren’t destitute.

    Liked what you had to say as well.

  6. liz says:

    Minner and her cronies trip to the Virgin Islands, while asking for give backs from providers who havent had a raise from the witch since 2003. I can’t think of an ugly enough word to describe how terrible she has been for this state.

    Her choice of the beancounter Merconi for DHSS is proof positive she is a political hag who had no compassion for the disabled or elderly.

    Hope Jack looks out of state for a DHSS replacement, we must get away from the Delaware Way and the continued violation of federal and state laws re: the most vulnerable of our citizens.

  7. Miscreant says:

    “High praise from Liz.”

    Indeed, for now. Just let Markell make one questionable move (at least in Liz’s demonic flying monkey infested mind), and he”ll be the anti-Christ.

  8. kilroy says:

    5 liz
    ” Kilroy: how about we give a cost of living raise to the most vulnerable in our State.”

    That’s who I was referring to as grunts! Let’s try to keep state workers of the poverty.

    I am confident any short term actions Markell must take to address the budget crisis caused by the Bush / Minner Administration will help pull Delaware out of this hole. Surely within 2-3 years we’ll see expansion in our economy. It will be hard for the GOP to bash him in 4 years during a economical growth period. Not like the GOP can really blame Markell for the pile of shit Bush and Minner left.

    I hope he charges Minner for cleaning the Governor’s Mansion! I hear she has been using the laundry-shute in the bedroom to dispose of her beer cans! Basement must be full of beer cans by now!

  9. Mike Protack says:

    The sniping won’t come from the GOP, it will come from the Democrats.

    There is no way to close the gap without cutting education, Medicaid and state employees.

    Which taxes are going up? and by how much?

  10. kilroy says:

    Mike Protack
    “The sniping won’t come from the GOP, it will come from the Democrats.”

    Mike, drop to 25,000 ft or put on the Oxygen mask! What the now the election is over the snipe party is over! Come on now old friend didn’t you right the book of sniping? Don’t drift the right on me now! Stay center please! But you might be right to an extent because any state layoffs which Minner is just deferring to Markell will upset pro-democrat unions!

    Hope all is well with you Mike !

  11. liz says:

    Protack: get current they are already cutting Medicaid…Minner is cutting everything across the Board. Jack does’nt believe in “cutting across the board”. Some areas like the Disabled, the Psych Centers etc cannot be cut…they have had no increase since 2003….already cut to barebones.

    Medicaid is a disgrace in this State. These fools never opted during good economic times to apply for the federal 50/50 matching grants! Thats why there is no dental, vision and other health care for the disabled. No speech therapy and on and on.

    The State contracts away its duty and responsibility under federal law, to private contractors who they force to provide the services, and then under cut them, by underfunding them. This has been going for for decades. Thats why our disabled population have never had the programs and services as other States receipents. For decades these people are known as the “useless eaters”, those “who don’t produce anything”, the “throwaway people”.

  12. liz says:

    For those who don’t know and might be interested. Five years ago, the State hired a consulting firm, ARBITRON. They developed a system for determing the needs of an individual, the severity of their handicapping condition, and what precisely was needed to keep the person safe with appropriate programs. An ICAP was done an each person. From that ICAP there is a financial formula for funding. For example if you are autistic, in need of behavior modification programs, speech therapy, must have 24 hour care (cannot be unsupervised), the need for those issues determines a daily rate for that person.

    Private providers under a State contract opt to service those clients at the established contracted rate. Delaware was one of the first states to hire Arbitron. At first, we parents flipped out, here we go again…the guinea pigs of the country. It was obvious the ARBITRON system was geared for folks with mental retardation, no autism.

    Sure nuff the first rates came out. The information provided was incorrect, they couldn’t get the height/weight of the person correct. So, we made them do the ICAPS all over again based on the needs of folks with autism. We were told once this rate is established, your son/daughter can take that money and you can hire any provider you wish to care for your loved one. We thought we had something that we could hold their feet to the fire with.

    Come to find out…the bureaucrats found away to get around the rate! Little known to us was the fact that nothing in the documents stated the State was “obliged” to honor the rate through the private providers.

    Now we have providers with contracts to perform all these services and havent had a rate increase in 3-4yrs. Where are they getting the money? Robbing Peter to pay Paul. We are in community living and group homes because all States were de-insitutionalized years ago. It is more cost effective and higher quality of life to live in the community like every other abled person.

    So all these high gas costs, fuel,food etc have been born by the providers working with the Div. Of Developmentally Disabilities who know we are underfunded. No money for dental care, or speech therapy etc. Now the State tells the Div. they cannot take any new students exiting educationin 2009 and in desperate need of Post 21 services. Waiting lists abound for all disability categories.

    We parents believe we were tricked into this ICAP system. It only works if its funded. Now that we know what it costs to keep our people safe, we are sticking with the ICAP and demanding the State continue the funding. Our providers were told they may have to “give money back”…what money! Or, they would have to “cut” somewhere else…where? The only place to cut is the direct care staff….which the ICAP states how many staff must be in each home depending on the residents and their needs.

    I could tell from my question last night to Jack, that he is aware of what they have been doing, which is why we are setting up a parent/provider meeting with him, so he can hear from us…what we are going through, as opposed to those State bureaucrats who are part of the coverup of the true, dire problems we have.

    I truly believe Jack will do the right thing. Thats the impression I got from him. You were there Jason what are your thoughts?