Filed in National by on December 16, 2008

What point during the week do you start thinking about the weekend?

Nemski added this cheezy 80s video to the post.

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hiding in the open

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  1. Kilroy says:

    Monday 8 am

  2. Dorian Gray says:

    Sunday at 9.00 pm.

  3. JohnnyX says:

    I’m with DG – this time of year, Sunday evenings after the last football game ends. Other times of year 9 PM sounds about right.

  4. Unstable Isotope says:

    Depends on the week. In a normal week, it probably wouldn’t be until Thursday or so. On a week like this, where I have a long vacation coming, I’ve been thinking about it since yesterday.

  5. pandora says:

    A different viewpoint… As a stay at home mom I sometimes dread weekends. It’s the time when all my work during the week gets trashed! 😉

  6. Another Mike says:

    Sunday night is about right.

  7. Joanne Christian says:

    What weekend? Is there one?

  8. Von Cracker says:

    You can keep the weekends. Just give me the profound intellectual displays from Lizzy Hassleback 5 mornings a week!

    I’m soooooo upset that I missed one of her soon-to-be-cherished-in-perpetuity musings about intelligent design. It goes something like this:

    Since expensive Italian shoes and dresses have designers, so must everything in the Universe!

    Isn’t she precious? Can’t get that on a weekend, buddy!

  9. jason330 says:

    ….and on the eleventy-millionth day God created the cave salamander without eyes in order to confuse Lizzy Hassleback.

  10. nemski says:

    I start thinking about the weekend on Thursdays, sometimes Wednesdays.

  11. Dana says:

    I love my job so much that I’m thinking about Monday when I arise on Saturday morning.

  12. Joanne Christian says:

    I agree Dana, and hence will never go to work.