30 Rock Is Awesome & Other Stuff

Filed in Arts and Entertainment by on December 18, 2008

Even the reruns that just aired like two weeks ago sparkle like a blanket of fresh snow in the moonlight.

Anyway…. NBC keeps teasing a story about Chase Utley’s F-bomb and the FCC, so I googled it and found this:

The FCC reports it received 26 complaints from the public about Utley’s language, which was heard live, in the late afternoon, on at least five television stations and one radio station, KYW (1060). Nielsen Media Research estimated that more than 825,000 local viewers saw part of the parade on CBS3, 6ABC, NBC10, Fox29, or Comcast SportsNet.

So 26 morons got a case of ass clinch when they heard someone say fuck on TV. I can’t wait until 11:00 to find out what the FCC plans to do about it.

About the Author ()

Jason330 is a deep cover double agent working for the GOP. Don't tell anybody.

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  1. Unstable Isotope says:

    I listened to three highly educated people talk about how awful it was just the other day. I’m no fan of cursing, but really, children are not going to be scarred for life because the heard the f-word. I doubt there’s many children who haven’t heard that word multiple times by the time they’re 2 years old.

  2. Dana says:

    The FCC has no choice: it’s one of the “seven dirty words” that an FCC-licensed broadcaster cannot use or allow to be used over the public airwaves, and the word got through. If a citizen makes a complaint, the complaint has to be treated seriously.

  3. Truth Teller says:

    Were There any complaints about Morning Joe on MSNBC when he dropped the F bomb????

    Let’s hope that obama puts some Adults in charge of the FCC you know people who live in the real world

  4. nemski says:

    Donviti for the FCC!!!!

  5. Another Mike says:

    TT, there may have been complaints, but the FCC has jurisdiction over regular over-the-air TV and radio outlets only. MSNBC isn’t covered by them. That’s one reason why The Shield could sprinkle the word “shit” liberally throughout each episode, but NYPD Blue could not.

    The Supreme Court is deciding a case this term on the fleeting use of profanity. The Bush morality police have been punishing broadcasters for such instances (Cher, Nicole Richie, Bono, Janet Jackson) instead of continued, flagrant use that used to be the standard.

    I don’t think Utley’s bomb will get the stations in trouble, particularly when the FCC goes to a Democratic majority early next year.

  6. what’s more amusing to me is the fact that most likely people were cutting work, allowed their kids to cut school and they were offended by the example that Utley set?


  7. Von Cracker says:

    There is precedent that stations cannot be fined for ‘impromptu’ cursing, case in point… the Bono incident. Utley is untouchable, since he’s protected by the 1st Amendment.

  8. Roy Munson says:

    Which time are you talking about him dropping the F-Bomb on TV?

    The homerun derby when he told the NY fans that were booing “F*** you…”? Or After the pararde in Citizens Bank (World F***ing Champions!) ?

    He’s making a habit of it, so the stations should be on a delay anytime he’s near a mic.

  9. G Rex says:

    I’m still mentally scarred from seeing Janet Jackson’s nipple.