Obama Eyes Cheney For Supreme Court Spot

Filed in National by on December 18, 2008

Washington (AP) – Burnishing his bipartisan credentials today, President-elect Barack Obama indicated that he would consider Vice President Dick Cheney in the event of an opening on the Supreme Court.

< / snark>

Who would be surprised at this point?

Not me.

About the Author ()

Jason330 is a deep cover double agent working for the GOP. Don't tell anybody.

Comments (15)

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  1. Unstable Isotope says:

    I’m thinking Harriet Miers.

  2. nemski says:

    Jason330, where’s the daily anti-KWS diatribe. Your fans await.

  3. jason330 says:


    I have to wait for Charlie McCarthy Jacobson to say something funny.

    In other words, in about ten minutes.

  4. h. says:

    Hope and change.

  5. kavips says:

    Going back to the original question as to who would be surprised at Chaney as an Obama’s Supreme Court appointment:

    I would.

  6. Rebecca says:

    Jason, you are getting awfully “pure” here. I know we need to keep it real, but it is politics afterall. How real can if be?

  7. anonone says:

    Obama’s selection of Rick Warren is another example of why Obama is no progressive and we are going to have to keep working for hard for real progressive change. To wit:

    “He is a man who compares legal abortion to the Holocaust and gay marriage to incest and paedophilia. He believes that Jews, Muslims, Buddhists, Hindus and other non-Christians are going to spend eternity burning in hell. He doesn’t believe in evolution. He recently dismissed the social gospel – the late 19th- and early 20th-century Protestant movement that led a religious crusade against poverty and inequality – as “Marxism in Christian clothing”. Yet thanks to his amiable attitude and jocular tone, he has managed to create a popular image for himself as a moderate, even progressive force in American life, a reasonable, compassionate alternative to the punitive, sex-obsessed inquisitors of the religious right. And Barack Obama, who should know better, has helped him do it.”


    This is the type of intolerance and hate that Obama is promoting by his selection of Warren. It’s gonna be a long four years…

  8. anon says:

    If anything it’s a testament to Obama’s progressive ideals. The right persecuted Obam for seeking religious guidance from Jermiah Wright, because of the mans controversial racial ideas.
    Now the left wants to persecute him for giving an opportunity to Rick Warren. Christianity is all about being forgiven and growing in your ability to forgive and also to give to those less fortunate. Warren is trying to expand the scope of evangelism rather then trying to persecute the non-believers. He may have a ways to go, but if anything Obama is being a true progressive by having an open mind.
    Not to mention half of the evanglist world still believes Barack is muslim, it doesn’t hurt to have someone with street cred in that community to prove Obama actually isn’t the anti-christ.
    Ever since Reagan we have had a continuing degree of polarized or enemy politics. If your not with me your against me, for once obama is trying to bridge the gap and make us realize we really aren’t that much different. Is that really a practice of intolerance and hate? I would argue it isn’t, Obama is going to kill the intolerance of our nation with kindness. Too bad some may be too blind to see it.

  9. anonone says:

    The christianist religious right are all about persecution and oppressing women, gays, atheists, and those of other faiths, and Rick Warren is a leader and instigator of those hate groups.

    Maybe you’d be happy if Obama appointed David Duke to the Civil Rights commission?

    When it comes to equal rights under the law regardless of race, religion, class, or who you love, you’re right: you’re either for it or against it. Warren is a sexist, bigoted, homophobic, anti-science theocrat. (Was that enough labels for you?)

    Giving legitimacy to hate-mongers like Warren is a strange way to to “kill the intolerance of our nation with kindness.” Tell that to the people who just lost their right to marry in California because of bigots like Warren.

    I wish he’d chosen Rev. Wright.

  10. jason330 says:


    I knew this was over the top – but the Warren thing got me feeling that I might want to start to pay attention to the liberal canaries in the transition coal mine.

  11. Andy says:

    Maybe given this post you guys should scrutinize Jack Markell and his appointments and proposed policies a little more Bringing in CEOs to help formulate state business policy

  12. jason330 says:

    Maybe you should kiss my ass. When you say something about Jack, that’s when I go off.

  13. liz says:

    Gotta admit anone is right on this. What is Obama thinking…this is Jerry Falwell warmed up! Giving Warren any place on the stage is thumbing noses. Appears Obama has some serious problems with his religious side of life. This is a huge disappointment, about a bad as Rahm Emanuel.

  14. liz says:

    Anon. This country was built on separation of church and state…this book of Fairy Tales has nothing to do with our Consitution. The founders are rolling over and over and over.

  15. anonone says:

    Jason, any Democrat gov-elect who hires a repub as a chief of staff only to have that repub quit within a month deserves some eyebrow raising.