Deep Throat Is Dead
No, not Linda Lovelace, Donviti, but Mark Felt the FBI agent turned anonymous source for Bob Woodward and Carl Bernstein when they ALONE worked the Watergate scandal. If you’ve never read All The President’s Men you should do so, a great read.
Deep Throat did the country a great service by exposing Nixon. We certainly still have courageous public servants, but do we have a courageous media anymore? Now our media gives anonymity to public figures to smear their political enemies.
Aaaww Watergate, the watershed moment in political journalism……
Hey, when is it going to stop snowing? I have to keep dusting the screen.
that book was written by a partisan hack. Nixon’s only mistake was trusting the people that worked for him. Guy was a great president.
Oh great, now we shouldn’t trust people who work for us either. Would that be a tin foil hat with a team logo on it? Is that correct usage Pandora and Cass?
A true American hero.
And I agree with Joanne, the snow is f#$%!^@ annoying.