
Filed in National by on December 19, 2008

It could be me, and I’d hate to offend anyone, but is there any Irony in the fact that the guy that coined the phrase “moral majority” passed away right at the end of Bush’s Presidency?

Weyrich stitched the religious, social-issue voters into the secular fabric of the Republican Party. He co-founded the Washington-based Heritage Foundation in 1973 as a counterbalance to the liberal Brookings Institution and launched what became an influential network of conservative think tanks and talk radio shows that contributed to the culture wars of the past three decades.

Ah yes, the man that essentially gave us Limbaugh, Hannity and helped impeach Clinton. Reading that bio he seems like a nice fella.

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hiding in the open

Comments (18)

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  1. Von Cracker says:

    fuck him. hope the worms take their sweet time.

  2. did you read how he had to have his legs amputated due to diabetes….

  3. Von Cracker says:

    karma’s a bitch, isn’t it?

    too bad for the worms….less at the trough for them.

    As always, the Moral Majority is neither.

  4. anon says:

    He co-founded the Washington-based Heritage Foundation

    Not to mention he is thus responsible for at least half of all Dave Burris posts.

  5. ZAZEN says:

    I think your strecthing for irony, but the point is well taken.

  6. JQ Public says:

    Despite our disagreements, it is sad and deplorable that such lack of respect is shown for a fellow American as displayed in these “responses”. It’s more like irresponsible free speech. I doubt any of you could stand tall next to the achievements of the wheelchair bound Mr. Paul Weyrich. I had plenty of disagreements with Mr. Weyrich but he was always a gentleman. Too bad gentleman and gentleladies can’t be found on these pathetic posts.

  7. Truth Teller says:

    Look he was a jerk but a smart one at that the dem’s just were sleeping at the switch and when they awoke Bush Jr. was president and what did Nancy and Harry do when the took over congress they kissed Bush’s ass and caved on everything he asked for. Now it remains to be seen if Nancy and Harry will give Paulson the rest of the money. Any Bets

  8. ZAZEN says:

    Ditto JQ.

  9. jason330 says:

    Boo Hoo.

    This guy’s “achievements” have him barking hell right now. I hope Satan stabs him in his eyes for eternity.

    Also – Anon #4 Bravo and spot on.

  10. I had plenty of disagreements with Mr. Weyrich but he was always a gentleman.

    there’s that arguement again! I love it. yep, reading that 2 page bio, he seems like a perfect genltemen.

    I’m sure Rummy, Cheney and Bush are great fellas to go fishin with too!

  11. Geezer says:

    “Before he began using a wheelchair, he was an outspoken opponent of the Americans With Disabilities Act when it passed in 1990 — and did not change his mind when he began using the curb cuts, elevator accesses and lowered utility switches that the legislation demanded.”

    Nice to see that even in decline, he embodied the hypocrisy of most asshat conservatives. May he rot in peace.

  12. Von Cracker says:

    Whatever, JQ.

    Take your righteous indignation and climb into the casket with him, for all I care…

  13. Von Cracker says:

    sorry, that may have been too harsh. Let me leave it at “Piss off”.

    There, I feel better now.

  14. nah, it was good.

    it’s a great arguement to throw up. Like Ted haggard is a great family guy if you get to know him. Gingrich is a swell fella except for those few misteps.

    Dobson is a true gentlemen when you just talk to him.

    The arguement that someone is a gentlemen is such bullshit. So? Who cares, The guy isn’t rude to your face. He just tries to screw you and anything that he doesn’t feel is morally acceptable.

    other than that, a perfect gentleman.

  15. Von Cracker says:

    did you enjoy my text, DV?

  16. oh dear lord….it’s been forwarded…yes

  17. liz says:

    next faker homophobe Rick Warren!

  18. Mike Protack says:

    Mr. Weyrich was a man of accomplishment, you may not agree with his beliefs but that fact does not diminish his record. Heritage is the leading think tank in DC.

    I attended two of his Free Congress Meetings in 2006, yes he was opinionated but he allowed open debate and was courteous to all.