Delaware Liberal

Judging The Obama “Warren” Court

MJ at thinks thew Rick Warren haters need to take a chill pill and sees some real politik in Obama’s choice for Warren as the praying guy for the inauguration.

Have these “leaders” thought about why President-elect Obama may have made the selection? Warren may be able to help Obama with getting ENDA passed, with getting conservation and green legislation enacted, to get domestic partner benefits for Federal employees.

I don’t like Warren for all the reasons that have been discussed on so many other blogs and I think MJ may have a point – but I don’t think Obama is thinking what MJ is thinking.

Rather – as one who has learned to trust in the fact that Obama is about 10,000 smarter than I am, I see something in this pick that I didn’t see befor. I see Obama making this pick and saying to Warren, “The eyes of America will be upon you.” (Warren is a huge egomanic) “I want to offer this opportunity to you but I can only do it if you think you are able to say a prayer that includes ALL Americans and does not deepen the divides that have been opened over the past 50 years. This country needs healing, Rick? Can you do it?”

Warren has been given a chance to atone for the poltical sins of the radical right. He can either do that or stab Obama in the back.

Either way, nobody is going to be thinking about what Warren said once Obama finishes his remarks.

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