How Pitiful Is This
Open Left reports that John Boehner is advertising for “credentialed” economists who oppose the upcoming stimulus package. Evidently the “credentialed” economist community sees the economic problems we face sufficiently serious enough that they aren’t available to the wingnut echo chamber to try to advance their ill-informed opinions on how the government should deal with the very problems they helped to create. Even Donald Luskin is apparently not enough to mount a serious opposition to the stimulus plan. So here we are again with the Party of Ideology looking for a credible mouthpiece — not for any principle, but to continue an obstructionist path.
Yet more evidence that those who think aren’t supporting the Republicans.
Pitiful and typical. Looks like Republicans learned nothing this November.
Thanks to some Heritage Foundation money and a willingness to spread it around – they’ll find some economists pretty easily.
Hell, they could find scientists to say that the Moon is made out of recycled Penthouse magazines if they wanted to.
LOL, the Radical Right is soo humorous.
On the flipside, from Politico via Political Wire.
My god these Republicans are fucking pathological lunatics.
That should tell Republicans something, but sadly I’ll doubt they’ll learn anything from it. Perhaps this is a new opportunity for wingnut welfare. They can start their own “thinktank” for fake economists.
UI wrote: They [Republicans] can start their own “thinktank” for fake economists.
Don’t The Heritage Foundation and the American Enterprise Institue already have that covered?
AEI and Heritage are not an issue they are very credible entities.
I don’t know why the advertisement was posted but there should be a vigorous debate about any stimulus package. This money is not free and in the past this blog has taken rightfuly taken the GOP to task for runaway spending. Why not take the Dems to task also?
The initial bailout by Treasury was botched because it wasn’t debated and the stimulus should be discussed also by qualified experts. The current proposal by Obama is very similar to what the Japanese did for ten years and it got them no where.
It wasn’t Obama that went to ZIRP, that was Bernanke. It’s not Obama handing out rewards for failure, that’s Bush and Paulson. It’s not Obama who ruled over a deregulation orgy, that was Bush. It’s not Obama who cut funding for regulators, that was Bush. It’s not Obama who investigated Madoff 3 times and cleared him each time, that was Cox.
AEI and Heritage aren’t credible organizations, they’re partisan Republican organizations. That means whatever they say to do, we should do the opposite. It was Republican ideology that got us into this mess, and that’s why Boehner is looking for other economists. He knows the ones from AEI and Heritage are discredited.
This is the same thing the Templeton Foundation did to create the Discovery Institute of so-called scientists to concoct “Intelligent Design” when creationism wasn’t working.
The real shame is that mediocre scientists (or in this case economists) at second rate schools want some modicum of fame and a small book advance so they sell their soul for this rubbish.