More Take on Kaufman-Biden-Carney Fiasco

Filed in Delaware by on December 22, 2008

From today’s LA Times regarding the Delaware Senatorial pick:

In Delaware, for instance, the state’s outgoing Democratic governor raised some eyebrows when she appointed Biden’s longtime chief of staff, Ted Kaufman, to Biden’s Senate seat. Kaufman, 69, is widely understood to be a place holder for Biden’s son Beau. Beau Biden, 39, is Delaware’s attorney general, but is unavailable to be senator because he is serving a tour in Iraq and is not expected to return until late 2009.

“This is all Biden’s attempt to foment a dynasty,” said Jennifer Duffy, senior editor of the nonpartisan Cook Political Report. “Kaufman has no learning curve, so Delaware doesn’t get hurt in that regard. This all makes sense . . . except there were some Democrats in Delaware who were not happy that [outgoing] Lt. Gov. John Carney was not selected. He’s in his early 50s, is looking for a job and is talking about challenging Beau Biden in a primary.”

Duffy added, “There’s always the possibility that Carney gets a job in the [Obama] administration, which would take care of that problem, wouldn’t it?”

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A Dad, a husband and a data guru

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  1. Unstable Isotope says:

    I’m a little suspicious of stories written by people outside of the state. Who are their sources? It’s interesting that Carney was talking about Senate and not House for a federal bid. We’ll have to see if Carney gets a job with the Obama administration.

  2. Kilroy says:

    I just think Kaufman’s appointment will play against Biden who is now part of the “change.” Minner didn’t sell Biden’s seat to the highest bidder but rather sold it out on low morals. Is makes one wonder, the right man for the job happened to be one of Biden’s best friends and employee?

  3. UI
    I’d be suspicious too, if there was actually NJ reporting to bounce off of this stuff

  4. jason330 says:

    If it had gone to a politician, given the power of incumbency, it would have been a lifetime sinecure.

    In her own backassward way, RAM did the right thing.

    If, in the end, it goes to Beau because he makes a strong case…fine. If it goes to Beau because is the prettiest, and has the brightest smile, than we only have ourselves to blame.

  5. Probably just some pointless speculation in order to fill space.

    Carney wouldn’t accept an ambassadorship to some unknown and unimportant island, would he? What job in DC would he be good for?

  6. nemski says:

    What job in DC would he be good for?

    Pissing off Delaware Republicans and Libertarians. 😉

  7. John Manifold says:

    Jennifer Duffy is one of the most knowledgeable observers of state-level politics.

  8. G Rex says:

    “Is makes one wonder, (what if) the right man for the job happened to be one of Biden’s best friends and employee?”

    Well that would be the purest of coincidences, given that Carl Danberg was Joe Biden’s driver back before Joe discovered Amtrak.

    Two quick questions: do we have an ambassadorship to the Virgin Islands, and why don’t we have any spare Kennedys lying around like other states do?

  9. Truth Teller says:

    Todays Washington post liked the pick of Ted read the editoral