Nominations Being Accepted: Biggest Delaware Policy Screwup of the Year

Filed in Delaware by on December 22, 2008

Last years winner for this category was “Offshore Windfarm Coitus Interruptus.”  Thankfully, Delaware fixed their mistake and at least got a deal done (although not as big a deal as I would have liked).  This year, with the Delaware Economy on the brink along with the rest of the country and Workforce Housing in New Castle County, we have plenty to choose from.  Let’s hear ’em.

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  1. Hands down the Eminent Domain brewhaha.

  2. delawaredem says:

    Agree. Eminent Domain. The Inlet Bridge is another, but I think that spans many years.

  3. cassandra m says:

    Is the Inlet Bridge a policy screwup or a catastrophic failure of Project Management? I’d vote for the later, myself.

    I’d agree about the Eminent Domain business and the cowardly way changing the law was avoided.

  4. anon says:

    DPC followed by the House Democrats (yeah, you, Schwartzkof and Gilligan) selling their souls to back a Republican booze hound/wife beater turned Democrat booze hound/wife beater to gain the majority in the state house.

    Was it worth it, boys?

  5. "I'm Ruler Now" Gilligan says:


  6. Joanne Christian says:

    Unequivocally Workforce Housing

    This launched provision failed to address policy, practice, procedure,and common sense, across many stakeholders and agencies. From DOE, to DelDot, it becomes clearer everyday, the county acted in isolation, with yes perhaps tacit approval as they went along, but no accountability of connecting the dots, and seeing the bigger picture of disaster. And where there wasn’t approval, it would fall into that miraculous category of exemption. Oh to be Queen for that moment!!
    I really think you will have a tough time trumping that broad-based boondoggle.