Delaware Liberal

2008 Idiotic Commenters Review

This is the first installment of my 2008 Idiotic Commenters Year in Review. I have a few people I will be shining light on, but I want to start off with a person I consider a class A idiot. The fact that this person ran for Governor of De 2 times as a Republican literally astounds me . Everytime I see him make comments here I truly am in awe that several thousand people voted for him. Here are some of his best comments, but you can add more if you like.

Protack for Governor // Feb 6, 2008 at 12:36 pm

Here is the real reason:

Respondents who intend to vote in the 2008 election for Governor:

1. 28.94% of respondents, if their choice in the Republican race for Governor were Mike Protack, Eric Buckson, William Swain Lee, Dave Burris, or Terry Spence, would vote for Mike Protack. This represents 503 respondents who would vote for Mike Protack.
2. 4.03% of respondents would vote for Eric Buckson.
3. 30.32% of respondents would vote for William Swain Lee.
4. 6.62% of respondents would vote for Dave Burris.
5. 9.61% of respondents would vote for Terry Spence.
6. 20.48% of respondents are undecided or did not express candidate preference.
7. If you factor out the non responses of the 1,382 positive responses 36.3% of all respondents would vote for Mike Protack.

Food for thought.

Mike Protack // Aug 11, 2008 at 4:24 pm

It is too bad Lee won’t debate the issues despite his original agreement. However, after the the DSEA brush off and WGMD dust off we knew it would never happen.

As for the other candidates, Thanks for having the courage of your convictions and the willingness to stand up against your opponents.

Mike Protack // Aug 27, 2008 at 7:31 am

Sen. Obama has the thinnest resume of any candidare for President since Woodrow Wilson.

Sen. MCcain has one of the deepest resumes of anyone to run for President.

Mike Protack // Aug 22, 2008 at 11:54 pm

Well, when we win September 9th, it will all change.

ike Protack // Sep 21, 2008 at 9:48 am

There is no Great Depression on the horizon and while some liberals will bemoan the actions taken by the Fed and the Bush administration these actions are necessary.

However, they will mean little without a bit of reform to prevent further abuses.

Mike Protack // Sep 19, 2008 at 8:11 am

Your post is terribly misguided. No one proposed privatizing social security, no one.

The option was proposed to allow voluntary personal accounts, remember the operative word is voluntary not mandatory.

The rate of return on Social Security is .9% when every other investment tool around including pass book savings accounts gets more of a return.

I lost my pension three years ago and I would like to have the option to invest my social security money where I wan to do so.

This one is a particular favorite. Because I know Not Brian and Protack is wrong…again

Mike Protack // Sep 25, 2008 at 7:13 am

Not Brian, you are another uninformed and anonymous person who seems to know so much but in reality doesn’t know anything. You get a keyboard and type gibberish and assume Random House will publish it.

You use profanity when you know you have lost the argument. You say I watch and listen to FOX when I don’t. You have no logic and no case to be made.

You have no clue now about any of this matter. It is humorous to hear an anonymous hack who spouts economic theory as if he were Adam Smith. So, you are smarter than the Fed Chief and the Secretary of the Treasury? I doubt it.

This plan is going to happen despite your proclaimed brilliance to the contrary. All the complainers Pelosi , Dodd, Frank, Reid etc will vote for it en masse including Obama.

Come back when you have some semblance of credibility on an issue. If and when you get some real knowledge use your real name if you have the courage to do so. You and I know you never will.


jason330 // Sep 24, 2008 at 8:01 pm

It is nice to hear Mike P comment on a subject he knows something about.

11 Mike Protack // Sep 24, 2008 at 8:18 pm
Jason, call me after the election.

Mike Protack // Oct 10, 2008 at 8:29 am

Have we been attacked? Case closed.

Mike Protack // Oct 18, 2008 at 8:30 pm

Why the name calling for Joe the Plumber?

Seems like a hard working guy to me.

Mike Protack // Dec 15, 2008 at 9:19 am

In the coming years, Bush like Truman will get better reviews than the standard party line attacks.

I don’t dismiss the faults and screw ups (Rumsfield should have been let go sooner) but our security will have been enhanced because of his actions.

Mr. Obama will do little differently and those of you who voted for a different Iraq policy were lied to by Obama. Mr Gates is living proof.

This one is pretty sweet too. Talking about Blago and Obama…

Mike Protack // Dec 11, 2008 at 9:32 pm

Don’t get so upset. If this incident was in the GOP you folks would be all over it, as you should.

If there is nothing here, it will die a quick death.

Hmmmm that was 3 weeks ago Mike, Nothing there and it still hasn’t died.

Mike Protack // Dec 23, 2008 at 7:05 am

AEI and Heritage are not an issue they are very credible entities.

I don’t know why the advertisement was posted but there should be a vigorous debate about any stimulus package. This money is not free and in the past this blog has taken rightfuly taken the GOP to task for runaway spending. Why not take the Dems to task also?

The initial bailout by Treasury was botched because it wasn’t debated and the stimulus should be discussed also by qualified experts. The current proposal by Obama is very similar to what the Japanese did for ten years and it got them no where.

and this one fresh in from today…

Mike Protack // Dec 29, 2008 at 9:38 am

Perhaps that is why Sen Biden plagiarizes so much so he won’t have to use his own words.

Maybe things like 100,000 cops which never ever happened. Or maybe Violence Against Women act which was so grand the Supreme Court struck down major provisions of the law because it violated the ICC.

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