It’s the liberal blogger’s equivalent of shooting moose from an airplane. The Mudflats is all over Palin like a Republican politician on male prostitute. Today’s edition harkens back to Gov. Palin’s interview with the conservate blog Human Events. And this is a story that RSmitty will enjoy — it’s all about the weather.
Veteran Republican political consultant Holly Robichaud, who had arranged the first “Veepstakes” interview between Palin and Gizzi, set up their latest exchange December 12.
Speaking from her office in Juneau, Gov Palin set the scene: “It’s five below, not too cold to snow, which is nice, absolutely beautiful and white and crisp,” and then Gizzi began the interview with her:
Hmm, for a Delawarean I don’t see a problem with that. But The Mudflats blogs to the rescue.
Here’s the dubious claim: 5 degrees below zero in Juneau, on December 12th.
I know that Juneau is on the coast and it’s pretty far south, approximately half-way between Anchorage and Vancouver, but as far as tempreture differences, I thought Alaska was just freaking cold.
So, I did a little checking and chuckling while I enjoyed morning coffee. My source? You’re gonna love this. I went to a site called “Weather Underground.”
On December 12, the day of the interview in which Palin, supposedly in her Juneau office, said it was 5 below zero, the actual temperature in Juneau was…(drumroll)…
Pretty balmy! The day before, it had even been above freezing in Juneau. It hasn’t been below zero in Juneau in more than 10 months. (scratches head) That means she was off by between 26 and 37 degrees? Well, that’s peculiar.
Just out of curiosity, let’s check the weather in ….oh, I don’t know…Wasilla on December 12th.
High (O) degrees F – Low (-11) degrees F
Bingo! We have a winner.
So, was the another misspeakment? Or does Gov. Palin lie as easily as most of us breathe? I’ll let The Mudflats wrap up.
So, in the grand scheme of the political world, is this a little silly? Probably. But that’s really the point, isn’t it? Why on Earth would Human Events and/or Sarah Palin lie about either a) the weather (highly unlikely) or b) where Sarah Palin was when she gave the interview. Why the silly lie? Here’s one theory. Palin, who has come under withering criticism for the lack of time she actually spends in the state’s capital, wants to take every opportunity, (real or not) to say that’s where she is. And if that means lying, well….whatever. Who’s going to know, right?
Answer: The Weather Underground.